The paper is concerned with inference for linear models with fixed regressors and weakly dependent stationary time series errors. Theoretically, we obtain asymptotic normality for the M-estimator of the regression parameter under mild conditions and establish a uniform Bahadur representation for recursive M-estimators. Methodologically, we extend the recently proposed self-normalized approach of Shao from stationary time series to the regression set-up, where the sequence of response variables is typically non-stationary in mean. Since the limiting distribution of the self-normalized statistic depends on the design matrix and its corresponding critical values are case dependent, we develop a simulation-based approach to approximate the critical values consistently. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate favourable finite sample performance of our method in comparison with a block-bootstrap-based approach. Empirical illustrations using two real data sets are also provided.
Inference with Dependent Data in Accounting and Finance Applications: INFERENCE WITH DEPENDENT DATA IN ACCOUNTING
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