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Title: Electrocardiograms of mice selectively bred for high levels of voluntary exercise: Effects of short-term exercise training and the mini-muscle phenotype
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Physiology & Behavior
Page Range / eLocation ID:
322 to 332
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Key points

    The beneficial effects of sustained or lifelong (>25 years) endurance exercise on cardiovascular structure and exercise function have been largely established in men.

    The current findings indicate that committed (≥4 weekly exercise sessions) lifelong exercise results in substantial benefits in exercise capacity (), cardiovascular function at submaximal and maximal exercise, left ventricular mass and compliance, and blood volume compared to similarly aged or even younger (middle‐age) untrained women.

    Endurance exercise training should be considered a key strategy to prevent cardiovascular disease with ageing in women as well as men.


    This study was a retrospective, cross‐sectional analysis of exercise performance and left ventricular (LV) morphology in 70 women to examine whether women who have performed regular, lifelong endurance exercise acquire the same beneficial adaptations in cardiovascular structure and function and exercise performance that have been reported previously in men. Three groups of women were examined: (1) 35 older (>60 years) untrained women (older untrained, OU), (2) 13 older women who had consistently performed four or more endurance exercise sessions weekly for at least 25 years (older trained, OT), and (3) 22 middle‐aged (range 35–59 years) untrained women (middle‐aged untrained, MU) as a reference control for the appropriate age‐related changes. Oxygen uptake () and cardiovascular function (cardiac output (); stroke volume (SV) acetylene rebreathing) were examined at rest, steady‐state submaximal exercise and maximal exercise (maximal oxygen uptake,). Blood volume (CO rebreathing) and LV mass (cardiac magnetic resonance imaging), plus invasive measures of static and dynamic chamber compliance were also examined.(p < 0.001) and maximal exerciseand SV were larger in older trained women compared to the two untrained groups (∼17% and ∼27% forand SV, respectively,versusMU; ∼40% and ∼38%versusOU, allp < 0.001). Blood volume (mL kg−1) and LV mass index (g m−2) were larger in OTversusOU (∼11% and ∼16%, respectively, bothP ≤ 0.015) Static LV chamber compliance was greater in OT compared to both untrained groups (median (25–75%): MU: 0.065 (0.049–0.080); OU: 0.085 (0.061–0.138); OT: 0.047 (0.031–0.054),P ≤ 0.053). Collectively, these findings indicate that lifetime endurance exercise appears to be extremely effective at preserving or even enhancing cardiovascular structure and function with advanced age in women.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. OpenDSA is an e-Textbook project developed at Virginia Tech, which provides materials to support courses in a wide variety of Computer Science-related topics. OpenDSA primarily contains Java exercises. ACOS server which is a smart learning content server developed as a joint project of Aalto University and the University of Pittsburgh. It enhances the reusability of online learning activities by decoupling the content and the existing interoperability protocols including LTI. ACOS is capable of serving multiple smart contents including Python animations and exercises. In this project, we present steps toward integrating smart content served through ACOS into OpenDSA. Similarly, CodeWorkout is an open source system which helps students to practice small programming problems. Mastery Grids is also open source progress visualization environment which has open (social) learner model features designed at the University of Pittsburgh. In this project, we extended contents served by Mastery Grids by integrating CodeWorkout exercises and visualize student progress in an Open Learner Model. All of this has been possible because all of these tools support LTI, reiterating the importance of why the utilization of standards while developing applications is important. 
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