- 10101237
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Communications in computer and information science
- 1865-0929
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Storytelling is a critical step in the cognitive development of children. Particularly, this requires children to mentally project into the story context and to identify with the thoughts of the characters in their stories. We propose to support free imagination in creative storytelling through an enactment- based approach that allows children to embody an avatar and perform as the story character. We designed our story creation interface with two modes of avatar: the story-relevant avatar and the self-avatar, to investigate the effects of avatar design on the quality of children’s creative products. In our study with 20 child participants, the results indicate that self-avatars can create a stronger sense of identification and embodied presence, while story-relevant avatars can provide a scaffold for mental projection.more » « less
Storytelling has been established as a proven method to effectively communicate and assist in knowledge transfer. In recent years, there has been growing interest in improving the training and learning domain by using advanced technology such as Virtual Reality (VR). However, a gap exists between storytelling and VR, and it is as yet unclear how they can be combined to form an effective system that not only maintains the level of engagement and immersion provided by VR technology but also provides the core strengths of storytelling. In this paper, we present vIS, a Vocational Immersive Storytelling system, which bridges the gap between storytelling and VR. vIS focuses on vocational training, in which users are trained on how to use a mechanical micrometer by employing a creative fictional story embedded inside a virtual manufacturing plant’s workplace. For the evaluation, a two-phase user study with 30 participants was conducted to measure the system’s effectiveness and improvements in long-term training, as well as to examine user experience against traditional methods of training—2D videos and textual manuals. The results indicate that the user’s ability to retain their training after seven days was nearly equal for vIS and the 2D video-based technique and was considerably higher than the text-based technique.
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We propose that emotional priming may be an effective approach to scaffold the creation of rich stories. There are relatively few emotion-based approaches to support users to create, instead of consume, rich stories. Emotional priming is the technique of using emotion- related stimuli to affect human’s executive control and affective processing. It has been researched mostly in terms of human’s behaviors and decision making. We conducted a within-subjects study with 12 participants to investigate the effects of emotional priming induced through an interactive application on storytelling quality. Two conditions of priming were compared to a baseline condition of no priming. In the first condition, the application primes participants by having asking them to perceive and recognize varying emotional stimuli (perception-based priming). In the second condition, the application primes participants by having them produce varying emotional facial expressions (production- based priming). Analyses show that emotional priming resulted in richer storytelling than no emotional priming, and that the production-based emotional priming condition resulted in statistically richer stories being told by participants. We discuss the possibility of integrating interactive emotional priming into storytelling applications.more » « less
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