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Title: Integrative multi‐view regression: Bridging group‐sparse and low‐rank models
Multi‐view data have been routinely collected in various fields of science and engineering. A general problem is to study the predictive association between multivariate responses and multi‐view predictor sets, all of which can be of high dimensionality. It is likely that only a few views are relevant to prediction, and the predictors within each relevant view contribute to the prediction collectively rather than sparsely. We cast this new problem under the familiar multivariate regression framework and propose an integrative reduced‐rank regression (iRRR), where each view has its own low‐rank coefficient matrix. As such, latent features are extracted from each view in a supervised fashion. For model estimation, we develop a convex composite nuclear norm penalization approach, which admits an efficient algorithm via alternating direction method of multipliers. Extensions to non‐Gaussian and incomplete data are discussed. Theoretically, we derive non‐asymptotic oracle bounds of iRRR under a restricted eigenvalue condition. Our results recover oracle bounds of several special cases of iRRR including Lasso, group Lasso, and nuclear norm penalized regression. Therefore, iRRR seamlessly bridges group‐sparse and low‐rank methods and can achieve substantially faster convergence rate under realistic settings of multi‐view learning. Simulation studies and an application in the Longitudinal Studies of Aging further showcase the efficacy of the proposed methods.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1718798 1613295
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Abstract

    Multi-view data have been routinely collected in various fields of science and engineering. A general problem is to study the predictive association between multivariate responses and multi-view predictor sets, all of which can be of high dimensionality. It is likely that only a few views are relevant to prediction, and the predictors within each relevant view contribute to the prediction collectively rather than sparsely. We cast this new problem under the familiar multivariate regression framework and propose an integrative reduced-rank regression (iRRR), where each view has its own low-rank coefficient matrix. As such, latent features are extracted from each view in a supervised fashion. For model estimation, we develop a convex composite nuclear norm penalization approach, which admits an efficient algorithm via alternating direction method of multipliers. Extensions to non-Gaussian and incomplete data are discussed. Theoretically, we derive non-asymptotic oracle bounds of iRRR under a restricted eigenvalue condition. Our results recover oracle bounds of several special cases of iRRR including Lasso, group Lasso, and nuclear norm penalized regression. Therefore, iRRR seamlessly bridges group-sparse and low-rank methods and can achieve substantially faster convergence rate under realistic settings of multi-view learning. Simulation studies and an application in the Longitudinal Studies of Aging further showcase the efficacy of the proposed methods.

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  3. This paper studies the asymptotic properties of the penalized least squares estimator using an adaptive group Lasso penalty for the reduced rank regression. The group Lasso penalty is defined in the way that the regression coefficients corresponding to each predictor are treated as one group. It is shown that under certain regularity conditions, the estimator can achieve the minimax optimal rate of convergence. Moreover, the variable selection consistency can also be achieved, that is, the relevant predictors can be identified with probability approaching one. In the asymptotic theory, the number of response variables, the number of predictors and the rank number are allowed to grow to infinity with the sample size. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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  4. Summary

    We propose a multivariate sparse group lasso variable selection and estimation method for data with high-dimensional predictors as well as high-dimensional response variables. The method is carried out through a penalized multivariate multiple linear regression model with an arbitrary group structure for the regression coefficient matrix. It suits many biology studies well in detecting associations between multiple traits and multiple predictors, with each trait and each predictor embedded in some biological functional groups such as genes, pathways or brain regions. The method is able to effectively remove unimportant groups as well as unimportant individual coefficients within important groups, particularly for large p small n problems, and is flexible in handling various complex group structures such as overlapping or nested or multilevel hierarchical structures. The method is evaluated through extensive simulations with comparisons to the conventional lasso and group lasso methods, and is applied to an eQTL association study.

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  5. Abstract

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