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Title: Shear wave structure of a transect of the Los Angeles basin from multimode surface waves and H/V spectral ratio analysis

We use broad-band stations of the ‘Los Angeles Syncline Seismic Interferometry Experiment’ (LASSIE) to perform a joint inversion of the Horizontal to Vertical spectral ratios (H/V) and multimode dispersion curves (phase and group velocity) for both Rayleigh and Love waves at each station of a dense line of sensors. The H/V of the autocorrelated signal at a seismic station is proportional to the ratio of the imaginary parts of the Green’s function. The presence of low-frequency peaks (∼0.2 Hz) in H/V allows us to constrain the structure of the basin with high confidence to a depth of 6 km. The velocity models we obtain are broadly consistent with the SCEC CVM-H community model and agree well with known geological features. Because our approach differs substantially from previous modelling of crustal velocities in southern California, this research validates both the utility of the diffuse field H/V measurements for deep structural characterization and the predictive value of the CVM-H community velocity model in the Los Angeles region. We also analyse a lower frequency peak (∼0.03 Hz) in H/V and suggest it could be the signature of the Moho. Finally, we show that the independent comparison of the H and V components with their corresponding theoretical counterparts gives information about the degree of diffusivity of the ambient seismic field.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Geophysical Journal International
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 415-427
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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