The FV3GFS is the current operational Global Forecast System (GFS) at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which combines a finite-volume cubed sphere dynamical core (FV3) and GFS physics. In this study, FV3GFS is used to gain understanding of rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) in shear. The analysis demonstrates the importance of TC structure in a complex system like Hurricane Michael, which intensified to a category 5 hurricane over the Gulf of Mexico despite over 20 kt (10 m s−1) of vertical wind shear. Michael’s RI is examined using a global-nest FV3GFS ensemble with the nest at 3-km resolution. The ensemble shows a range of peak intensities from 77 to 159 kt (40–82 m s−1). Precipitation symmetry, vortex tilt, moisture, and other aspects of Michael’s evolution are compared through composites of stronger and weaker members. The 850–200-hPa vertical shear is 22 kt (11 m s−1) in the mean of both strong and weak members during the early stage. Tilt and moisture are two distinguishing factors between strong and weak members. The relationship between vortex tilt and humidification is complex, and other studies have shown both are important for sheared intensification. Here, it is shown that tilt reduction leads to upshear humidification and is thus a driving factor for intensification. A stronger initial vortex and early evolution of the vortex also appear to be the key to members that are able to resist the sheared environment.
Idealized numerical simulations of weak tropical cyclones (e.g., tropical depressions and tropical storms) in sheared environments indicate that vortex tilt reduction and convective symmetrization are key structural changes that can precede intensification. Through a series of ensembles of idealized numerical simulations, this study demonstrates that including radiation in the simulations affects the timing and variability of those structural changes. The underlying reason for those effects is a background thermodynamic profile with reduced energy available to fuel strong downdrafts; such a profile leads to weaker lower-tropospheric ventilation, greater azimuthal coverage of clouds and precipitation, and smaller vortex tilt with radiation. Consequently, the simulations with radiation allow for earlier intensification at stronger shear magnitudes than without radiation. An unexpected finding from this work is a reduction of both vortex tilt and intensity variability with radiation in environments with 5 m s−1 deep-layer shear. This reduction stems from reduced variability in nonlinear feedbacks between lower-tropospheric ventilation, cold pools, convection, and vortex tilt. Sensitivity experiments confirm the relationship between those processes and suggest that microphysical processes (e.g., rain evaporation) are major sources of uncertainty in the representation of weak, sheared tropical cyclones in numerical weather prediction models.
more » « less- NSF-PAR ID:
- 10133632
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Meteorological Society
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
- Volume:
- 77
- Issue:
- 2
- 0022-4928
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 669-689
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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