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Title: Predicting Community Engagement on Twitter on Environmental Health Hazards
In this empirical study, a framework was developed for binary and multi-class classification of Twitter data. We first introduce a manually built gold standard dataset of 4000 tweets related to the environmental health hazards in Barbados for the period 2014 - 2018. Then, the binary classification was used to categorize each tweet as relevant or irrelevant. Next, the multiclass classification was then used to further classify relevant tweets into four types of community engagement: reporting information, expressing negative engagement, expressing positive engagement, and asking for information. Results indicate that (combination of TF-IDF, psychometric, linguistic, sentiment and Twitter-specific features) using a Random Forest algorithm is the best feature for detecting and predicting binary classification with (87% F1 score). For multi-class classification, TF-IDF using Decision Tree algorithm was the best with (74% F1 score).  more » « less
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2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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