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Title: Wa’ikhana - Wehsepʉ buude wehẽgʉ ehsamii emo sañodukugʉ tʉ’osuaʉ (Fui à roça caçar a cutia. Ouvindo o grito do macaco guariba no mato, fui atrás’.)
This narrative tells of an episode in the personal life of Tomás Nogueira, a speaker of Wa’ikhana (or Piratapuyo, East Tukano family), a highly endangered and still little described language. The Wa’ikhana people live in northwest Amazonia, in villages in the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Lands (Brazil) and neighboring Departamento de Vaupés (Colombia). Tomás’s tale presents us a good-humored account of a day when his hunting plans went wrong. Besides full interlinear analysis of the narrative, we off er background information about the Wa’ikhana people and a brief typological profi le of the language, highlighting salient grammatical structures that can be observed throughout the narrative.  more » « less
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Revista LinguíStica
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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