- 10160687
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Volume:
- 636
- 0004-6361
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- A104
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Current theoretical models predict a mass gap with a dearth of stellar black holes (BHs) between roughly 50 M ⊙ and 100 M ⊙ , while above the range accessible through massive star evolution, intermediate-mass BHs (IMBHs) still remain elusive. Repeated mergers of binary BHs, detectable via gravitational-wave emission with the current LIGO/Virgo/Kagra interferometers and future detectors such as LISA or the Einstein Telescope, can form both mass-gap BHs and IMBHs. Here we explore the possibility that mass-gap BHs and IMBHs are born as a result of successive BH mergers in dense star clusters. In particular, nuclear star clusters at the centers of galaxies have deep enough potential wells to retain most of the BH merger products after they receive significant recoil kicks due to anisotropic emission of gravitational radiation. Using for the first time simulations that include full stellar evolution, we show that a massive stellar BH seed can easily grow to ∼10 3 –10 4 M ⊙ as a result of repeated mergers with other smaller BHs. We find that lowering the cluster metallicity leads to larger final BH masses. We also show that the growing BH spin tends to decrease in magnitude with the number of mergers so that a negative correlation exists between the final mass and spin of the resulting IMBHs. Assumptions about the birth spins of stellar BHs affect our results significantly, with low birth spins leading to the production of a larger population of massive BHs.more » « less
Observations of X-ray binaries indicate a dearth of compact objects in the mass range from ∼2 − 5 M ⊙ . The existence of this (first mass) gap has been used to discriminate between proposed engines behind core-collapse supernovae. From LIGO/Virgo observations of binary compact remnant masses, several candidate first mass gap objects, either neutron stars (NSs) or black holes (BHs), were identified during the O3 science run. Motivated by these new observations, we study the formation of BH-NS mergers in the framework of isolated classical binary evolution, using population synthesis methods to evolve large populations of binary stars (Population I and II) across cosmic time. We present results on the NS to BH mass ratios ( q = M NS / M BH ) in merging systems, showing that although systems with a mass ratio as low as q = 0.02 can exist, typically BH-NS systems form with moderate mass ratios q = 0.1 − 0.2. If we adopt a delayed supernova engine, we conclude that ∼30% of BH-NS mergers may host at least one compact object in the first mass gap (FMG). Even allowing for uncertainties in the processes behind compact object formation, we expect the fraction of BH-NS systems ejecting mass during the merger to be small (from ∼0.6 − 9%). In our reference model, we assume: (i) the formation of compact objects within the FMG, (ii) natal NS/BH kicks decreased by fallback, (iii) low BH spins due to Tayler-Spruit angular momentum transport in massive stars. We find that ≲1% of BH-NS mergers will have any mass ejection and about the same percentage will produce kilonova bright enough to have a chance of being detected with a large (Subaru-class) 8 m telescope. Interestingly, all these mergers will have both a BH and an NS in the FMG.more » « less
ABSTRACT We study the long-term orbital evolution of stars around a merging massive or supermassive black hole binary (BHB), taking into account the general relativistic effect induced by the black hole (BH) spin. When the BH spin is significant compared to and misaligned with the binary orbital angular momentum, the orbital axis ($\hat{\boldsymbol {l}}$) of the circumbinary star can undergo significant evolution during the binary orbital decay driven by gravitational radiation. Including the spin effect of the primary (more massive) BH, we find that starting from nearly coplanar orbital orientations, the orbital axes $\hat{\boldsymbol {l}}$ of circumbinary stars preferentially evolve towards the spin direction after the merger of the BHB, regardless of the initial BH spin orientation. Such alignment phenomenon, i.e. small final misalignment angle between $\hat{\boldsymbol {l}}$ and the spin axis of the remnant BH $\hat{\boldsymbol {S}}$, can be understood analytically using the principle of adiabatic invariance. For the BHBs with extremely mass ratio (m2/m1 ≲ 0.01), $\hat{\boldsymbol {l}}$ may experience more complicated evolution as adiabatic invariance breaks down, but the trend of alignment still works reasonably well when the initial binary spin–orbit angle is relatively small. Our result suggests that the correlation between the orientations of stellar orbits and the spin axis of the central BH could provide a potential signature of the merger history of the massive BH.
ABSTRACT The identification of the first confirmed neutron star–black hole (NS-BH) binary mergers by the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA collaboration provides the opportunity to investigate the properties of the early sample of confirmed and candidate events. Here, we focus primarily on the tilt angle of the BH’s spin relative to the orbital angular momentum vector of the binary, and the implications for the physical processes that determine this tilt. The posterior tilt distributions of GW200115 and the candidate events GW190426_152155 and GW190917_114630 peak at significantly anti-aligned orientations (though display wide distributions). Producing these tilts through isolated binary evolution would require stronger natal kicks than are typically considered (and preferentially polar kicks would be ruled out), and/or an additional source of tilt such as stable mass transfer. The early sample of NS-BH events are less massive than expected for classical formation channels, and may provide evidence for efficient mass transfer that results in the merger of more massive NS-BH binaries before their evolution to the compact phase is complete. We predict that future gravitational-wave detections of NS-BH events will continue to display total binary masses of ≈7 M⊙ and mass ratios of q ∼ 3 if this interpretation is correct. Conversely, the high mass of the candidate GW191219_163120 suggests a dynamical capture origin. Large tilts in a significant fraction of merging NS-BH systems would weaken the prospects for electromagnetic detection. However, EM observations, including non-detections, can significantly tighten the constraints on spin and mass ratio.
Abstract With about one hundred mergers of binary black holes (BBHs) detected via gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration, our understanding of the darkest objects in the universe has taken unparalleled steps forward. While most of the events are expected to consist of black holes (BHs) directly formed from the collapse of massive stars, some may contain the remnants of previous BBH mergers. In the most massive globular clusters and in nuclear star clusters, successive mergers can produce second- (2G) or higher-generation BHs, and even form intermediate-mass BHs (IMBHs). Overall, we predict that up to ∼10%, ∼1%, or ∼0.1% of the BBH mergers have one component being a 2G, 3G, or 4G BH, respectively. Assuming that ∼500 BBH mergers will be detected in O4 by LVK, this means that ∼50, ∼5, or ∼0.5 events, respectively, will involve a 2G, 3G, or 4G BH, if most sources are produced dynamically in dense star clusters. With their distinctive signatures of higher masses and spins, such hierarchical mergers offer an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the BH populations in the densest stellar systems and to shed light on the elusive IMBHs that may form therein.more » « less