In northwest Florida, advanced manufacturing (AM) jobs outstrip the supply of middle-skilled technicians, though AM constitutes almost a quarter of the region’s total employment. Guided by the overarching research question (RQ) “To what extent do curriculum content, employer needs, and student experiences align within an advanced manufacturing educational pathway,” this NSF-funded study’s goals have been to 1) investigate the role AM program pathways have in meeting the needs of employers and new professionals who are employed in the region; 2) expand the research base and curriculum content recommendations for regional AM education; 3) build regional capacity for AM program assessment and improvement by replicating, refining, and disseminating study approaches through further research, annual AM employer and educator meetings, and annual research skill-building academies in which stakeholders transfer research findings to practices and policies that empower rural NW Florida colleges. To date, research efforts have demonstrated that competency perceptions of faculty, employers, and new professionals have notable misalignments that have opportunities for AM program curriculum revision and enhancement. This presentation will encompass four years of research output, emphasizing the impactful findings and dissemination products for ASEE community members, as well as opportunities for further research.
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