- Award ID(s):
- 1810995
- 10173527
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Hyper-Raman optical activity of biologically relevant chiral molecules
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 84
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Light-absorbing chromophores in photoreceptors contain a π-electron system and are intrinsically planar molecules. However, within a protein environment these cofactors often become nonplanar and chiral in a manner that is widely believed to be functionally important. When the same chromophore is out-of-plane distorted in opposite directions in different members of a protein family, such conformers become a set of enantiomers. In techniques using chiral optical spectroscopy such as Raman optical activity (ROA), such proteins are expected to show opposite signs in their spectra. Here we use two microbial rhodopsins, Gloeobacter rhodopsin and sodium ion pump rhodopsin (NaR), to provide the first experimental and theoretical evidence that the twist direction of the retinal chromophore indeed determines the sign of the ROA spectrum. We disrupt the hydrogen bond responsible for the distortion of the retinal in NaR and show that the sign of the ROA signals of this nonfunctional mutant is flipped. The reported ROA spectra are monosignate, a property that has been seen for a variety of photoreceptors, which we attribute to an energetically favorable gradual curvature of the chromophore.more » « less
Abstract Experimental vibrational Raman and Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra for diacetyl L‐tartaric acid (DAT), two of its esters, namely, monomethyl and lauryl esters (T1OH and T12OH), and corresponding sodium salts (DATNa, T1ONa, and T12ONa), are measured. T12OH and T12ONa represent the first chiral surfactants investigated using ROA spectroscopy. The quantum chemical (QC) predictions using B3LYP functional and 6‐311++G(2d,2p) basis set are used to interpret the ROA spectra for DAT, DATNa, T1OH, and T1ONa. It is found that the use of implicit solvation, as represented in polarizable continuum model (PCM), for predicting the experimental ROA spectra in aqueous solutions is inadequate for DAT and T1OH. However, the same PCM predicts the experimental ROA spectra satisfactorily for the DATNa and T1ONa. This favorable observation for the latter is attributed to the absence of intra‐ and inter‐molecular hydrogen bonding interactions for sodium salts in aqueous solutions. The overwhelming number of conformations resulting from 12‐carbon alkyl chain, in T12OH and T12ONa, makes it impractical to undertake QC predictions for them. Nevertheless, it is found that the predictions made for shorter alkyl chain analogs, namely, T1OH and T1ONa, may be used to explain the experimental ROA spectra of T12OH and T12ONa. The current work highlights the importance of converting carboxylic acids to corresponding sodium salts and of QC predictions for shorter achiral alkyl chain analogs to interpret the ROA spectra of chiral surfactants that contain long achiral alkyl chains.
Abstract Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra were calculated under off‐resonance, near‐resonance, and at‐resonance conditions for
( A ) and under off‐resonance conditions for( B ) using a new driver software for calculating the ROA intensities from complex (damped) time‐dependent linear response Kohn‐Sham theory. The off‐resonance spectra ofA andB show many similarities. At an incident laser wavelength of 532 nm, used in commercial ROA spectrometers, the spectrum ofA is enhanced by near‐resonance with the ligand‐field transitions of the complex. The near‐resonance spectrum exhibits many qualitative differences compared with the off‐resonance case, but it remains bi‐signate. Even under full resonance with the ligand‐field electronic transitions, the ROA spectrum ofA remains bi‐signate when the electronic transitions are broadened such as to yield absorption line widths that are comparable with those in the experimental UV‐vis absorption and electronic circular dichroism spectra. -
Abstract Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy allows for high-speed label-free chemical imaging of biomedical systems. The imaging sensitivity of SRS microscopy is limited to ~10 mM for endogenous biomolecules. Electronic pre-resonant SRS allows detection of sub-micromolar chromophores. However, label-free SRS detection of single biomolecules having extremely small Raman cross-sections (~10−30 cm2sr−1) remains unreachable. Here, we demonstrate plasmon-enhanced stimulated Raman scattering (PESRS) microscopy with single-molecule detection sensitivity. Incorporating pico-Joule laser excitation, background subtraction, and a denoising algorithm, we obtain robust single-pixel SRS spectra exhibiting single-molecule events, verified by using two isotopologues of adenine and further confirmed by digital blinking and bleaching in the temporal domain. To demonstrate the capability of PESRS for biological applications, we utilize PESRS to map adenine released from bacteria due to starvation stress. PESRS microscopy holds the promise for ultrasensitive detection and rapid mapping of molecular events in chemical and biomedical systems.