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Title: HEliOS: huffman coding based lightweight encryption scheme for data transmission
Demand for fast data sharing among smart devices is rapidly increasing. This trend creates challenges towards ensuring essential security for online shared data while maintaining the resource usage at a reasonable level. Existing research studies attempt to leverage compression based encryption for enabling such secure and fast data transmission replacing the traditional resource-heavy encryption schemes. Current compression-based encryption methods mainly focus on error insensitive digital data formats and prone to be vulnerable to different attacks. Therefore, in this paper, we propose and implement a new Huffman compression based Encryption scheme using lightweight dynamic Order Statistic tree (HEliOS) for digital data transmission. The core idea of HEliOS involves around finding a secure encoding method based on a novel notion of Huffman coding, which compresses the given digital data using a small sized "secret" (called as secret_intelligence in our study). HEliOS does this in such a way that, without the possession of the secret intelligence, an attacker will not be able to decode the encoded compressed data. Hence, by encrypting only the small-sized intelligence, we can secure the whole compressed data. Moreover, our rigorous real experimental evaluation for downloading and uploading digital data to and from a personal cloud storage Dropbox server validates efficacy and lightweight nature of HEliOS.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
MobiQuitous '19: Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services
Page Range / eLocation ID:
70 to 79
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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