The photosynthetic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium is widely distributed in the surface low latitude ocean where it contributes significantly to N2 fixation and primary productivity. Previous studies found nifH genes and intact Trichodesmium colonies in the sunlight-deprived meso- and bathypelagic layers of the ocean (200–4000 m depth). Yet, the ability of Trichodesmium to fix N2 in the dark ocean has not been explored. We performed 15N2 incubations in sediment traps at 170, 270 and 1000 m at two locations in the South Pacific. Sinking Trichodesmium colonies fixed N2 at similar rates than previously observed in the surface ocean (36–214 fmol N cell−1 d−1). This activity accounted for 40 ± 28% of the bulk N2 fixation rates measured in the traps, indicating that other diazotrophs were also active in the mesopelagic zone. Accordingly, cDNA nifH amplicon sequencing revealed that while Trichodesmium accounted for most of the expressed nifH genes in the traps, other diazotrophs such as Chlorobium and Deltaproteobacteria were also active. Laboratory experiments simulating mesopelagic conditions confirmed that increasing hydrostatic pressure and decreasing temperature reduced but did not completely inhibit N2 fixation in Trichodesmium. Finally, using a cell metabolism model we predict that Trichodesmium uses photosynthesis-derived stored carbon to sustain N2 fixation while sinking into the mesopelagic. We conclude that sinking Trichodesmium provides ammonium, dissolved organic matter and biomass to mesopelagic prokaryotes.
- Award ID(s):
- 1434916
- 10182402
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- FEMS Microbiology Letters
- Volume:
- 367
- Issue:
- 4
- 1574-6968
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Surface ocean marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) serves as an important reservoir of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in the global ocean, and is produced and consumed by both autotrophic and heterotrophic communities. While prior work has described distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) concentrations, our understanding of DOC:DON:DOP stoichiometry in the global surface ocean has been limited by the availability of DOP concentration measurements. Here, we estimate mean surface ocean bulk and semi‐labile DOC:DON:DOP stoichiometry in biogeochemically and geographically defined regions using newly available marine DOM concentration databases. Global mean surface ocean bulk (C:N:P = 387:26:1) and semi‐labile (C:N:P = 179:20:1) DOM stoichiometries are higher than Redfield stoichiometry, with semi‐labile DOM stoichiometry similar to that of global mean surface ocean particulate organic matter (C:N:P = 160:21:1) reported in a recent compilation. DOM stoichiometry varies across ocean basins, ranging from 251:17:1 to 638:43:1 for bulk and 83:15:1 to 414:49:1 for semi‐labile DOM C:N:P, respectively. Surface ocean DOP concentration exhibits larger relative changes than DOC and DON, driving surface ocean gradients in DOC:DON:DOP stoichiometry. Inferred autotrophic consumption of DOP helps explain intra‐ and inter‐basin patterns of marine DOM C:N:P stoichiometry, with regional patterns of water column denitrification and iron supply influencing the biogeochemical conditions favoring DOP use as an organic nutrient. Specifically, surface ocean marine DOM exhibits increasingly P‐depleted stoichiometries from east to west in the Pacific and from south to north in the Atlantic, consistent with patterns of increasing P stress and alleviated iron stress.
The oceanic dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) pool is mainly composed of P-esters and, to a lesser extent, equally abundant phosphonate and P-anhydride molecules. In phosphate-limited ocean regions, diazotrophs are thought to rely on DOP compounds as an alternative source of phosphorus (P). While both P-esters and phosphonates effectively promote dinitrogen (N 2 ) fixation, the role of P-anhydrides for diazotrophs is unknown. Here we explore the effect of P-anhydrides on N 2 fixation at two stations with contrasting biogeochemical conditions: one located in the Tonga trench volcanic arc region (“volcano,” with low phosphate and high iron concentrations), and the other in the South Pacific Gyre (“gyre,” with moderate phosphate and low iron). We incubated surface seawater with AMP (P-ester), ATP (P-ester and P-anhydride), or 3polyP (P-anhydride) and determined cell-specific N 2 fixation rates, nifH gene abundance, and transcription in Crocosphaera and Trichodesmium . Trichodesmium did not respond to any DOP compounds added, suggesting that they were not P-limited at the volcano station and were outcompeted by the low iron conditions at the gyre station. Conversely, Crocosphaera were numerous at both stations and their specific N 2 fixation rates were stimulated by AMP at the volcano station and slightly by 3polyP at both stations. Heterotrophic bacteria responded to ATP and 3polyP additions similarly at both stations, despite the contrasting phosphate and iron availability. The use of 3polyP by Crocosphaera and heterotrophic bacteria at both low and moderate phosphate concentrations suggests that this compound, in addition to being a source of P, can be used to acquire energy for which both groups compete. P-anhydrides may thus leverage energy restrictions to diazotrophs in the future stratified and nutrient-impoverished ocean.more » « less
Francois Morel (Ed.)Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major reservoir that links global carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. DOM is also important for marine sulfur biogeochemistry as the largest water column reservoir of organic sulfur. Dissolved organic sulfur (DOS) can originate from phytoplankton-derived biomolecules in the surface ocean or from abiotically “sulfurized” organic matter diffusing from sulfidic sediments. These sources differ in 34S/32S isotope ratios (δ34S values), with phytoplankton-produced DOS tracking marine sulfate (21‰) and sulfurized DOS mirroring sedimentary porewater sulfide (∼0 to –10‰). We measured the δ34S values of solid-phase extracted (SPE) DOM from marine water columns and porewater from sulfidic sediments. Marine DOM_SPE δ34S values ranged from 14.9‰ to 19.9‰ and C:S ratios from 153 to 303, with lower δ34S values corresponding to higher C:S ratios. Marine DOM_SPE samples showed consistent trends with depth: δ34S values decreased, C:S ratios increased, and δ13C values were constant. Porewater DOM_SPE was 34S-depleted (∼-0.6‰) and sulfur-rich (C:S ∼37) compared with water column samples. We interpret these trends as reflecting at most 20% (and on average ∼8%) contribution of abiotic sulfurized sources to marine DOS_SPE and conclude that sulfurized porewater is not a main component of oceanic DOS and DOM. We hypothesize that heterogeneity in δ34S values and C:S ratios reflects the combination of sulfurized porewater inputs and preferential microbial scavenging of sulfur relative to carbon without isotope fractionation. Our findings strengthen links between oceanic sulfur and carbon cycling, supporting a realization that organic sulfur, not just sulfate, is important to marine biogeochemistry.more » « less
Abstract. The western tropical South Pacific (WTSP) Ocean has been recognized as a global hot spot of dinitrogen (N2) fixation. Here, as in other marine environments across the oceans, N2 fixation studies have focused on the sunlit layer. However, studies have confirmed the importance of aphotic N2 fixation activity, although until now only one had been performed in the WTSP. In order to increase our knowledge of aphotic N2 fixation in the WTSP, we measured N2 fixation rates and identified diazotrophic phylotypes in the mesopelagic layer along a transect spanning from New Caledonia to French Polynesia. Because non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs presumably need external dissolved organic matter (DOM) sources for their nutrition, we also identified DOM compounds using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICRMS) with the aim of searching for relationships between the composition of DOM and non-cyanobacterial N2 fixation in the aphotic ocean. N2 fixation rates were low (average 0.63±0.07nmolNL−1d−1) but consistently detected across all depths and stations, representing ∼ 6–88% of photic N2 fixation. N2 fixation rates were not significantly correlated with DOM compounds. The analysis of nifH gene amplicons revealed a wide diversity of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs, mostly matching clusters 1 and 3. Interestingly, a distinct phylotype from the major nifH subcluster 1G dominated at 650dbar, coinciding with the oxygenated Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW). This consistent pattern suggests that the distribution of aphotic diazotroph communities is to some extent controlled by water mass structure. While the data available are still too scarce to elucidate the distribution and controls of mesopelagic non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs in the WTSP, their prevalence in the mesopelagic layer and the consistent detection of active N2 fixation activity at all depths sampled during our study suggest that aphotic N2 fixation may contribute significantly to fixed nitrogen inputs in this area and/or areas downstream of water mass circulation.