- Award ID(s):
- 1716833
- 10183052
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Volume:
- 85
- Issue:
- 22
- 0099-2240
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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ABSTRACT Although alcohols are toxic to many microorganisms, they are good carbon and energy sources for some bacteria, including many pseudomonads. However, most studies that have examined chemosensory responses to alcohols have reported that alcohols are sensed as repellents, which is consistent with their toxic properties. In this study, we examined the chemotaxis of Pseudomonas putida strain F1 to n -alcohols with chain lengths of 1 to 12 carbons. P. putida F1 was attracted to all n -alcohols that served as growth substrates (C 2 to C 12 ) for the strain, and the responses were induced when cells were grown in the presence of alcohols. By assaying mutant strains lacking single or multiple methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, the receptor mediating the response to C 2 to C 12 alcohols was identified as McfP, the ortholog of the P. putida strain KT2440 receptor for C 2 and C 3 carboxylic acids. Besides being a requirement for the response to n -alcohols, McfP was required for the response of P. putida F1 to pyruvate, l -lactate, acetate, and propionate, which are detected by the KT2440 receptor, and the medium- and long-chain carboxylic acids hexanoic acid and dodecanoic acid. β-Galactosidase assays of P. putida F1 carrying an mcfP-lacZ transcriptional fusion showed that the mcfP gene is not induced in response to alcohols. Together, our results are consistent with the idea that the carboxylic acids generated from the oxidation of alcohols are the actual attractants sensed by McfP in P. putida F1, rather than the alcohols themselves. IMPORTANCE Alcohols, released as fermentation products and produced as intermediates in the catabolism of many organic compounds, including hydrocarbons and fatty acids, are common components of the microbial food web in soil and sediments. Although they serve as good carbon and energy sources for many soil bacteria, alcohols have primarily been reported to be repellents rather than attractants for motile bacteria. Little is known about how alcohols are sensed by microbes in the environment. We report here that catabolizable n -alcohols with linear chains of up to 12 carbons serve as attractants for the soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida , and rather than being detected directly, alcohols appear to be catabolized to acetate, which is then sensed by a specific cell-surface chemoreceptor protein.more » « less
ABSTRACT Most chemotactic motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, the functions of which are not well characterized. Chemotaxis signaling is initiated by chemoreceptors that assemble as large arrays, together with chemotaxis coupling proteins (CheW) and histidine kinase proteins (CheA), which form a baseplate with the cytoplasmic tips of receptors. These cell pole-localized arrays mediate sensing, signaling, and signal amplification during chemotaxis responses. Membrane-bound chemoreceptors with different cytoplasmic domain lengths segregate into distinct arrays. Here, we show that a bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense , which utilizes two chemotaxis signaling systems controlling distinct motility parameters, coordinates its chemotactic responses through the production of two separate membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays by mixing paralogs within chemotaxis baseplates. The polar localization of chemoreceptors of different length classes is maintained in strains that had baseplate signaling proteins from either chemotaxis system but was lost when both systems were deleted. Chemotaxis proteins (CheA and CheW) from each of the chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) could physically interact with one another, and chemoreceptors from both classes present in A. brasilense could interact with Che1 and Che4 proteins. The assembly of paralogs from distinct chemotaxis pathways into baseplates provides a straightforward mechanism for coordinating signaling from distinct pathways, which we predict is not unique to this system given the propensity of chemotaxis systems for horizontal gene transfer. IMPORTANCE The assembly of chemotaxis receptors and signaling proteins into polar arrays is universal in motile chemotactic bacteria. Comparative genome analyses indicate that most motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, and experimental evidence suggests that signaling from distinct chemotaxis systems is integrated. Here, we identify one such mechanism. We show that paralogs from two chemotaxis systems assemble together into chemoreceptor arrays, forming baseplates comprised of proteins from both chemotaxis systems. These mixed arrays provide a straightforward mechanism for signal integration and coordinated response output from distinct chemotaxis systems. Given that most chemotactic bacteria encode multiple chemotaxis systems and the propensity for these systems to be laterally transferred, this mechanism may be common to ensure chemotaxis signal integration occurs.more » « less
Maupin-Furlow, Julie A. (Ed.)ABSTRACT Chemotaxis in Bacteria and Archaea depends on the presence of hexagonal polar arrays composed of membrane-bound chemoreceptors that interact with rings of baseplate signaling proteins. In the alphaproteobacterium Azospirillum brasilense , chemotaxis is controlled by two chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) that mix at the baseplates of two spatially distinct membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays. The subcellular localization and organization of transmembrane chemoreceptors in chemotaxis signaling clusters have been well characterized but those of soluble chemoreceptors remain relatively underexplored. By combining mutagenesis, microscopy, and biochemical assays, we show that the cytoplasmic chemoreceptors AerC and Tlp4b function in chemotaxis and localize to and interact with membrane-bound chemoreceptors and chemotaxis signaling proteins from both polar arrays, indicating that soluble chemoreceptors are promiscuous. The interactions of AerC and Tlp4b with polar chemotaxis signaling clusters are not equivalent and suggest distinct functions. Tlp4b, but not AerC, modulates the abundance of chemoreceptors within the signaling clusters through an unknown mechanism. The AerC chemoreceptor, but not Tlp4b, is able to traffic in and out of chemotaxis signaling clusters depending on its level of expression. We also identify a role of the chemoreceptor composition of chemotaxis signaling clusters in regulating their polar subcellular organization. The organization of chemotaxis signaling proteins as large membrane-bound arrays underlies chemotaxis sensitivity. Our findings suggest that the composition of chemoreceptors may fine-tune chemotaxis signaling not only through their chemosensory specificity but also through their role in the organization of polar chemotaxis signaling clusters. IMPORTANCE Cytoplasmic chemoreceptors represent about 14% of all chemoreceptors encoded in bacterial and archaeal genomes, but little is known about how they interact with and function in large polar assemblies of membrane-bound chemotaxis signaling clusters. Here, we show that two soluble chemoreceptors with a role in chemotaxis are promiscuous and interact with two distinct membrane-bound chemotaxis signaling clusters that control all chemotaxis responses in Azospirillum brasilense . We also found that any change in the chemoreceptor composition of chemotaxis signaling clusters alters their polar organization, suggesting a dynamic interplay between the sensory specificity of chemotaxis signaling clusters and their polar membrane organization.more » « less
ABSTRACT Sinorhizobium meliloti is a soil-dwelling endosymbiont of alfalfa that has eight chemoreceptors to sense environmental stimuli during its free-living state. The functions of two receptors have been characterized, with McpU and McpX serving as general amino acid and quaternary ammonium compound sensors, respectively. Both receptors use a dual Cache ( ca lcium channels and che motaxis receptors) domain for ligand binding. We identified that the ligand-binding periplasmic region (PR) of McpV contains a single Cache domain. Homology modeling revealed that McpV PR is structurally similar to a sensor domain of a chemoreceptor with unknown function from Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans , which crystallized with acetate in its binding pocket. We therefore assayed McpV for carboxylate binding and S. meliloti for carboxylate sensing. Differential scanning fluorimetry identified 10 potential ligands for McpV PR . Nine of these are monocarboxylates with chain lengths between two and four carbons. We selected seven compounds for capillary assay analysis, which established positive chemotaxis of the S. meliloti wild type, with concentrations of peak attraction at 1 mM for acetate, propionate, pyruvate, and glycolate, and at 100 mM for formate and acetoacetate. Deletion of mcpV or mutation of residues essential for ligand coordination abolished positive chemotaxis to carboxylates. Using microcalorimetry, we determined that dissociation constants of the seven ligands with McpV PR were in the micromolar range. An McpV PR variant with a mutation in the ligand coordination site displayed no binding to isobutyrate or propionate. Of all the carboxylates tested as attractants, only glycolate was detected in alfalfa seed exudates. This work examines the relevance of carboxylates and their sensor to the rhizobium-legume interaction. IMPORTANCE Legumes share a unique association with certain soil-dwelling bacteria known broadly as rhizobia. Through concerted interorganismal communication, a legume allows intracellular infection by its cognate rhizobial species. The plant then forms an organ, the root nodule, dedicated to housing and supplying fixed carbon and nutrients to the bacteria. In return, the engulfed rhizobia, differentiated into bacteroids, fix atmospheric N 2 into ammonium for the plant host. This interplay is of great benefit to the cultivation of legumes, such as alfalfa and soybeans, and is initiated by chemotaxis to the host plant. This study on carboxylate chemotaxis contributes to the understanding of rhizobial survival and competition in the rhizosphere and aids the development of commercial inoculants.more » « less
Reguera, Gemma (Ed.)
ABSTRACT Motile plant-associated bacteria use chemotaxis and dedicated chemoreceptors to navigate gradients in their surroundings and to colonize host plant surfaces. Here, we characterize a chemoreceptor that we named Tlp2 in the soil alphaproteobacterium
Azospirillum brasilense . We show that the Tlp2 ligand-binding domain is related to the 4-helix bundle family and is conserved in chemoreceptors found in the genomes of many soil- and sediment-dwelling alphaproteobacteria. The promoter oftlp2 is regulated in an NtrC- and RpoN-dependent manner and is most upregulated under conditions of nitrogen fixation or in the presence of nitrate. Using fluorescently tagged Tlp2 (Tlp2-YFP), we show that this chemoreceptor is present in low abundance in chemotaxis-signaling clusters and is prone to degradation. We also obtained evidence that the presence of ammonium rapidly disrupts Tlp2-YFP localization. Behavioral experiments using a strain lacking Tlp2 and variants of Tlp2 lacking conserved arginine residues suggest that Tlp2 mediates chemotaxis in gradients of nitrate and nitrite, with the R159 residue being essential for Tlp2 function. We also provide evidence that Tlp2 is essential for root surface colonization of some plants (teff, red clover, and cowpea) but not others (wheat, sorghum, alfalfa, and pea). These results highlight the selective role of nitrate sensing and chemotaxis in plant root surface colonization and illustrate the relative contribution of chemoreceptors to chemotaxis and root surface colonization.IMPORTANCE Bacterial chemotaxis mediates host-microbe associations, including the association of beneficial bacteria with the roots of host plants. Dedicated chemoreceptors specify sensory preferences during chemotaxis. Here, we show that a chemoreceptor mediating chemotaxis to nitrate is important in the beneficial soil bacterium colonization of some but not all plant hosts tested. Nitrate is the preferred nitrogen source for plant nutrition, and plants sense and tightly control nitrate transport, resulting in varying nitrate uptake rates depending on the plant and its physiological state. Nitrate is thus a limiting nutrient in the rhizosphere. Chemotaxis and dedicated chemoreceptors for nitrate likely provide motile bacteria with a competitive advantage to access this nutrient in the rhizosphere.