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Title: Nonverbal leadership emergence in walking groups
Abstract The mechanisms underlying the emergence of leadership in multi-agent systems are under investigation in many areas of research where group coordination is involved. Nonverbal leadership has been mostly investigated in the case of animal groups, and only a few works address the problem in human ensembles, e.g. pedestrian walking, group dance. In this paper we study the emergence of leadership in the specific scenario of a small walking group. Our aim is to propose a rigorous mathematical methodology capable of unveiling the mechanisms of leadership emergence in a human group when leader or follower roles are not designated a priori. Two groups of participants were asked to walk together and turn or change speed at self-selected times. Data were analysed using time-dependent cross correlation to infer leader-follower interactions between each pair of group members. The results indicate that leadership emergence is due both to contextual factors, such as an individual’s position in the group, and to personal factors, such as an individual’s characteristic locomotor behaviour. Our approach can easily be extended to larger groups and other scenarios such as team sports and emergency evacuations.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Scientific Reports
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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