How local interactions of actin regulators yield large-scale organization of cell shape and movement is not well understood. Here we investigate how the WAVE complex organizes sheet-like lamellipodia. Using super-resolution microscopy, we find that the WAVE complex forms actin-independent 230-nm-wide rings that localize to regions of saddle membrane curvature. This pattern of enrichment could explain several emergent cell behaviors, such as expanding and self-straightening lamellipodia and the ability of endothelial cells to recognize and seal transcellular holes. The WAVE complex recruits IRSp53 to sites of saddle curvature but does not depend on IRSp53 for its own localization. Although the WAVE complex stimulates actin nucleation via the Arp2/3 complex, sheet-like protrusions are still observed in ARP2-null, but not WAVE complex-null, cells. Therefore, the WAVE complex has additional roles in cell morphogenesis beyond Arp2/3 complex activation. Our work defines organizing principles of the WAVE complex lamellipodial template and suggests how feedback between cell shape and actin regulators instructs cell morphogenesis.
Drosophila CG10915 is an uncharacterized protein coding gene with sequence similarity to human Cortactin Binding Protein 2 (CTTNBP2) and Cortactin Binding Protein 2 N-terminal-like (CTTNBP2NL). Here, we have named this gene Nausicaa (naus) and characterize it through a combination of quantitative live-cell total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, electron microscopy, RNAi depletion, and genetics. We found that Naus co-localizes with F-actin and Cortactin in the lamellipodia of Drosophila S2R+ and D25c2 cells and this localization is lost following Cortactin or Arp2/3 depletion or by mutations that disrupt a conserved proline patch found in its mammalian homologs. Using Permeabilization Activated Reduction in Fluorescence (PARF) and Fluorescence Recovery after Photo-bleaching (FRAP), we find that depletion of Cortactin alters Naus dynamics leading to a decrease in its half-life. Furthermore, we discovered that Naus depletion in S2R+ cells led to a decrease in actin retrograde flow and a lamellipodia characterized by long, unbranched filaments. We demonstrate that these alterations to the dynamics and underlying actin architecture also affect D25c2 cell migration and decrease arborization in Drosophila neurons. We present the hypothesis that Naus functions to slow Cortactin's disassociation from Arp2/3 nucleated branch junctions, thereby increasing both branch nucleation and junction stability.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 1716964
- 10229261
- Publisher / Repository:
- The Company of Biologists
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Biology Open
- 2046-6390
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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