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Title: Identification of cell-type-specific marker genes from co-expression patterns in tissue samples
Abstract Motivation Marker genes, defined as genes that are expressed primarily in a single-cell type, can be identified from the single-cell transcriptome; however, such data are not always available for the many uses of marker genes, such as deconvolution of bulk tissue. Marker genes for a cell type, however, are highly correlated in bulk data, because their expression levels depend primarily on the proportion of that cell type in the samples. Therefore, when many tissue samples are analyzed, it is possible to identify these marker genes from the correlation pattern. Results To capitalize on this pattern, we develop a new algorithm to detect marker genes by combining published information about likely marker genes with bulk transcriptome data in the form of a semi-supervised algorithm. The algorithm then exploits the correlation structure of the bulk data to refine the published marker genes by adding or removing genes from the list. Availability and implementation We implement this method as an R package markerpen, hosted on CRAN ( Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
2015492 1553884
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Mathelier, Anthony
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    We train and evaluate models on multiple public scRNAseq datasets. In comparison to GAN-based models (scGAN and cscGAN), we demonstrate that ACTIVA generates cells that are more realistic and harder for classifiers to identify as synthetic which also have better pair-wise correlation between genes. Data augmentation with ACTIVA significantly improves classification of rare subtypes (more than 45% improvement compared with not augmenting and 4% better than cscGAN) all while reducing run-time by an order of magnitude in comparison to both models.

    Availability and implementation

    The codes and datasets are hosted on Zenodo ( Tutorials are available at

    Supplementary information

    Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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