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Title: Adopting Online Learning in College Developmental Education Coursework: Impact on Student course Persistence, Completion, and Subsequent Success
Developmental education is the most widespread strategies used by colleges to provide academically weak students with additional training in key subject areas. To reduce costs and also to address the large volume of enrollment in these courses, many institutions have replaced traditional face-to-face instruction with online instruction in developmental coursework. This paper examines the impact of fully online instruction, compared with traditional face-to-face instruction, on both concurrent developmental course outcomes, and on downstream outcomes, using a unique administrative dataset from a state community college system that includes longitudinal student-unit record data from more than 40,000 students enrolled in developmental education courses. Results from a two-way fixed effects model that controls for selection both at the course- and student-level indicate that taking one’s first developmental course through the online format reduces developmental course completion rate by 13 percentage points and subsequent enrollment in the gatekeeper course by 7 percentage points.  more » « less
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Online Learning Research Center
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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