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Title: Self-supervised Feature Learning by Cross-modality and Cross-view Correspondences
The success of supervised learning requires large-scale ground truth labels which are very expensive, time- consuming, or may need special skills to annotate. To address this issue, many self- or un-supervised methods are developed. Unlike most existing self-supervised methods to learn only 2D image features or only 3D point cloud features, this paper presents a novel and effective self-supervised learning approach to jointly learn both 2D image features and 3D point cloud features by exploiting cross-modality and cross-view correspondences without using any human annotated labels. Specifically, 2D image features of rendered images from different views are extracted by a 2D convolutional neural network, and 3D point cloud features are extracted by a graph convolution neural network. Two types of features are fed into a two-layer fully connected neural network to estimate the cross-modality correspondence. The three networks are jointly trained (i.e. cross-modality) by verifying whether two sampled data of different modalities belong to the same object, meanwhile, the 2D convolutional neural network is additionally optimized through minimizing intra-object distance while maximizing inter-object distance of rendered images in different views (i.e. cross-view). The effectiveness of the learned 2D and 3D features is evaluated by transferring them on five different tasks including multi-view 2D shape recognition, 3D shape recognition, multi-view 2D shape retrieval, 3D shape retrieval, and 3D part-segmentation. Extensive evaluations on all the five different tasks across different datasets demonstrate strong generalization and effectiveness of the learned 2D and 3D features by the proposed self-supervised method.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
The 4th Multimodal Learning and Applications (MULA) Workshop in conjunction with CVPR 2021
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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