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Title: Expedition 357 Preliminary Report: Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 successfully cored an east–west transect across the southern wall of Atlantis Massif on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to study the links between serpentinization processes and microbial activity in the shallow subsurface of highly altered ultramafic and mafic sequences that have been uplifted to the seafloor along a major detachment fault zone. The primary goals of this expedition were to (1) examine the role of serpentinization in driving hydrothermal systems, sustaining microbial communities, and sequestering carbon; (2) characterize the tectonomagmatic processes that lead to lithospheric heterogeneities and detachment faulting; and (3) assess how abiotic and biotic processes change with variations in rock type and progressive exposure on the seafloor. To accomplish these objectives, we developed a coring and sampling strategy based around the use of seabed rock drills—the first time that such systems have been used in the scientific ocean drilling programs. This technology was chosen in hopes of achieving high recovery of the carbonate cap sequences and intact contact and deformation relationships. The expedition plans also included several engineering developments to assess geochemical parameters during drilling; sample bottom water before and after drilling; supply synthetic tracers during drilling for contamination assessment; gather downhole electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility logs for assessing fractures, fluid flow, and extent of serpentinization; and seal boreholes to provide opportunities for future experiments. Seventeen holes were drilled at nine sites across Atlantis Massif, with two sites on the eastern end of the southern wall (Sites M0068 and M0075), three sites in the central section of the southern wall north of the Lost City hydrothermal field (Sites M0069, M0072, and M0076), two sites on the western end (Sites M0071 and M0073), and two sites north of the southern wall in the direction of the central dome of the massif and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1309 (Sites M0070 and M0074). Use of seabed rock drills enabled collection of more than 57 m of core, with borehole penetration ranging from 1.3 to 16.44 meters below seafloor and core recoveries as high as 75% of total penetration. This high level of recovery of shallow mantle sequences is unprecedented in the history of ocean drilling. The cores recovered along the southern wall of Atlantis Massif have highly heterogeneous lithologies, types of alteration, and degrees of deformation. The ultramafic rocks are dominated by harzburgites with intervals of dunite and minor pyroxenite veins, as well as gabbroic rocks occurring as melt impregnations and veins, all of which provide information about early magmatic processes and the magmatic evolution in the southernmost portion of Atlantis Massif. Dolerite dikes and basaltic rocks represent the latest stage of magmatic activity. Overall, the ultramafic rocks recovered during Expedition 357 revealed a high degree of serpentinization, as well as metasomatic talc-amphibole-chlorite overprinting and local rodingitization. Metasomatism postdates an early phase of serpentinization but predates late-stage intrusion and alteration of dolerite dikes and the extrusion of basalt. The intensity of alteration is generally lower in the gabbroic and doleritic rocks. Chilled margins in dolerite intruded into talc-amphibole-chlorite schists are observed at the most eastern Site M0075. Deformation in Expedition 357 cores is variable and dominated by brecciation and formation of localized shear zones; the degree of carbonate veining was lower than anticipated. All types of variably altered and deformed ultramafic and mafic rocks occur as components in sedimentary breccias and as fault scarp rubble. The sedimentary cap rocks include basaltic breccias with a carbonate sand matrix and/or fossiliferous carbonate. Fresh glass on basaltic components was observed in some of the breccias. The expedition also successfully applied new technologies, namely (1) extensively using an in situ sensor package and water sampling system on the seabed drills for evaluating real-time dissolved oxygen and methane, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, temperature, and conductivity during drilling; (2) deploying a borehole plug system for sealing seabed drill boreholes at four sites to allow access for future sampling; and (3) proving that tracers can be delivered into drilling fluids when using seabed drills. The rock drill sensor packages and water sampling enabled detection of elevated dissolved methane and hydrogen concentrations during and/or after drilling, with “hot spots” of hydrogen observed over Sites M0068–M0072 and methane over Sites M0070–M0072. Shipboard determination of contamination tracer delivery confirmed appropriate sample handling procedures for microbiological and geochemical analyses, which will aid all subsequent microbiological investigations that are part of the science party sampling plans, as well as verify this new tracer delivery technology for seabed drill rigs. Shipboard investigation of biomass density in select samples revealed relatively low and variable cell densities, and enrichment experiments set up shipboard reveal growth. Thus, we anticipate achieving many of the deep biosphere–related objectives of the expedition through continued scientific investigation in the coming years. Finally, although not an objective of the expedition, we were serendipitously able to generate a high-resolution (20 m per pixel) multibeam bathymetry map across the entire Atlantis Massif and the nearby fracture zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and eastern conjugate, taking advantage of weather and operational downtime. This will assist science party members in evaluating and interpreting tectonic and mass-wasting processes at Atlantis Massif.  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Preliminary report
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. null (Ed.)
    Seventeen holes were drilled at nine sites across Atlantis Massif. Use of seabed drills enabled collection of more than 57 m of core, with borehole penetration ranging from 1.30 to 16.44 meters below seafloor and core recoveries as high as 74.76% of total penetration. This high level of recovery of shallow mantle sequences is unprecedented in the history of ocean drilling. The cores recovered along the southern wall of Atlantis Massif have highly heterogeneous lithologies, types of alteration, and degrees of deformation. The ultramafic rocks are dominated by harzburgites with intervals of dunite and minor pyroxenite veins, as well as gabbroic rocks occurring as melt impregnations and veins, all of which provide information about early magmatic processes and the magmatic evolution in the southernmost portion of Atlantis Massif. Dolerite dikes and basaltic rocks represent the latest stage of magmatic activity. Overall, the ultramafic rocks recovered during Expedition 357 reveal a high degree of serpentinization, as well as metasomatic talc-amphibole-chlorite overprinting and local rodingitization. Metasomatism postdates an early phase of serpentinization but predates late-stage intrusion and alteration of dolerite dikes and the extrusion of basalt. The intensity of alteration is generally lower in the gabbroic and doleritic rocks. Chilled margins in dolerite intruded into talc-amphibole-chlorite schists are observed at the most eastern Site M0075. Deformation in Expedition 357 cores is variable and dominated by brecciation and formation of localized shear zones; the degree of carbonate veining was lower than anticipated. All types of variably altered and deformed ultramafic and mafic rocks occur as components in sedimentary breccias and as fault scarp rubble. The sedimentary cap rocks include basaltic breccias with a carbonate sand matrix and/or fossiliferous carbonate. Fresh glass on basaltic components was observed in some of the breccias. The expedition also successfully applied new technologies, namely (1) extensively using an in situ sensor package and water sampling system on the seabed drills for evaluating real-time dissolved oxygen and methane, pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), temperature, and conductivity during drilling; (2) deploying a borehole plug system for sealing seabed drill boreholes at four sites to allow access for future sampling; and (3) proving that tracers can be delivered into drilling fluids when using seabed drills. The rock drill sensor packages and water sampling enabled detection of elevated dissolved methane and hydrogen concentrations during and/or after drilling, with “hot spots” of hydrogen observed over Sites M0068–M0072 and methane over Sites M0070–M0072. Shipboard determination of contamination tracer delivery confirmed appropriate sample handling procedures for microbiological and geochemical analyses, which will aid all subsequent microbiological investigations that are part of the science party sampling plans and will verify this new tracer delivery technology for seabed drill rigs. Shipboard investigation of biomass density in select samples revealed relatively low and variable cell densities, and enrichment experiments set up shipboard reveal growth. Thus, we anticipate achieving many of the deep biosphere–related objectives of the expedition through continued scientific investigation in the coming years. Finally, although not an objective of the expedition, we were serendipitously able to generate a high-resolution (20 m per pixel) multibeam bathymetry map across the entire Atlantis Massif and the nearby fracture zone, MAR, and eastern conjugate, taking advantage of weather and operational downtime. This will assist science party members in evaluating and interpreting tectonic and mass-wasting processes at Atlantis Massif. 
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  2. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 399 collected new cores from the Atlantis Massif (30°N; Mid-Atlantic Ridge), an oceanic core complex that hosts the Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF). Studies of the Atlantis Massif and the LCHF have transformed our understanding of tectonic, magmatic, hydrothermal, and microbial processes at slow-spreading ridges. The Atlantis Massif was the site of four previous expeditions (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 304, 305, and 340T and IODP Expedition 357) and numerous dredging and submersible expeditions. The deepest IODP hole in young (<2 My) oceanic lithosphere, Hole U1309D, was drilled ~5 km north of the LCHF and reached 1415 meters below seafloor (mbsf) through a series of primitive gabbroic rocks. A series of 17 shallow (<16.4 mbsf) holes were also drilled at 9 sites across the south wall of the massif during Expedition 357, recovering heterogeneous rock types including hydrothermally altered peridotites, gabbroic, and basaltic rocks. The hydrologic regime differs between the two locations, with a low permeability conductive regime in Hole U1309D and a high (and possibly deep-reaching) permeability regime along the southern wall. Expedition 399 targeted Hole U1309D and the southern wall area to collect new data on ancient processes during deformation and alteration of detachment fault rocks. The recovered rocks and fluids are providing new insights into past and ongoing water-rock interactions, processes of mantle partial melting and gabbro emplacement, deformation over a range of temperatures, abiotic organic synthesis reactions, and the extent and diversity of life in the subseafloor in an actively serpentinizing system. We sampled fluids and measured temperature in Hole U1309D before deepening it to 1498 mbsf. The thermal structure was very similar to that measured during Expedition 340T, and lithologies were comparable to those found previously in Hole U1309D. A significant zone of cataclasis and alteration was found at 1451–1474 mbsf. A new Hole U1601C (proposed Site AMDH-02A) was drilled on the southern ridge close to Expedition 357 Hole M0069A, where both deformed and undeformed serpentinites had previously been recovered. Rapid drilling rates achieved a total depth of 1267.8 mbsf through predominantly ultramafic (68%) and gabbroic (32%) rocks, far surpassing the previous drilling record in a peridotite-dominated system of 201 m. Recovery was excellent overall (71%) but particularly high in peridotite-dominated sections where recovery regularly exceeded 90%. The recovery of sizable sections of largely intact material will provide robust constraints on the architecture and composition of the oceanic mantle lithosphere. The deepest portions of the newly drilled borehole may be beyond the known limits of life, providing the means to assess the role of biological activity across the transition from a biotic to an abiotic regime. Borehole fluids from both holes were collected using both the Kuster Flow-Through Sampler and the new Multi-Temperature Fluid Sampler. Wireline logging in Hole U1601C provided information on downhole density and resistivity, imaged structural features, and documented fracture orientations. A reentry system was installed in Hole U1601C, and both it and Hole U1309D were left open for future deep drilling, fluid sampling, and potential borehole observatories. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 will be implemented as a Mission Specific Platform (MSP) expedition that will address two exciting discoveries in mid-ocean-ridge research: off-axis, serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal activity exemplified by the Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF) and the significance of tectono-magmatic processes in forming and exposing heterogeneous mafic and variably serpentinized ultramafic lithosphere that are key components of slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. Serpentinization is a fundamental process that controls rheology and geophysical properties of the oceanic lithosphere and has major consequences for heat flux, geochemical cycles, and microbial activity in a wide variety of environments. However, we currently have no constraints on the nature and distribution of microbial communities in ultramafic subsurface environments. Our planned drilling focuses on (1) exploring the extent and activity of the subsurface biosphere in young ultramafic and mafic seafloor; (2) quantifying the role of serpentinization in driving hydrothermal systems, in sustaining microbiological communities, and in the sequestration of carbon in ultramafic rocks; (3) assessing how abiotic and biotic processes change with aging of the lithosphere and with variations in rock type; and (4) characterizing tectono-magmatic processes that lead to lithospheric heterogeneities and the evolution of hydrothermal activity associated with detachment faulting. This expedition will be the first IODP expedition to utilize seafloor drill technology (MeBo and BGS Seafloor Rockdrill 2) to core a series of shallow (50–80 m) holes across Atlantis Massif—an oceanic core complex (30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge), where detachment faulting exposes mafic and ultramafic lithologies on the seafloor. We aim to recover in situ sequences of sediments, hydrothermal deposits/veins, and basement rocks that comprise a broad zone of detachment faulting across (1) a spreading-parallel (east–west) profile along the southern wall and at varying distances from the LCHF and (2) a ridge-parallel (north–south) profile into the center of the massif, where the dominant rock type changes from ultramafic to mafic. Drilling the east–west profile will allow us to evaluate how microbial communities evolve with variations in hydrothermal activity and with age of emplacement on the seafloor. We aim to compare microbial activity and diversity in areas of diffuse, H2-rich fluid flow and carbonate precipitation with communities in areas away from the active hydrothermal system and with variable substrates and crustal ages. By quantifying the extent and evolution of carbonate precipitation we will evaluate the potential for natural CO2 sequestration in serpentinizing peridotites. Drilling the north–south profile will allow us to evaluate the nature of the deep biosphere in varying lithologies and to assess the role of the differing rheologies of gabbros and serpentinized ultramafic rocks in localizing detachment faults. This expedition will also include engineering developments to sample bottom waters before and after drilling and to monitor methane, dissolved oxygen, redox, conductivity, temperature, and depth while drilling. In addition, seafloor operations will include deploying borehole plugs and swellable packers to seal the holes at high-priority sites after drilling to provide opportunities for future hydrogeological and microbiological experiments. 
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  4. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 399 will collect new cores from the Atlantis Massif (30°N; Mid-Atlantic Ridge), an oceanic core complex that has transformed our understanding of tectonic and magmatic processes at slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. The exposure of deep mantle rocks leads to serpentinization, with major consequences for the properties of the oceanic lithosphere, heat exchange between the ocean and crust, geochemical cycles, and microbial activity. The Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF) is situated on its southern wall and vents warm (40°–95°C) alkaline fluids rich in hydrogen, methane, and abiotic organic molecules. The Atlantis Massif was the site of four previous expeditions (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 304, 305, and 340T and IODP Expedition 357) and numerous dredging and submersible expeditions. The deepest IODP hole in young (<2 My) oceanic lithosphere, Hole U1309D, was drilled 5 km north of the LCHF and reaches 1415 meters below seafloor (mbsf) through a primitive series of gabbroic rock. In contrast, during Expedition 357 a series of shallow (<16.4 mbsf) holes were drilled along the south wall of the massif, one within 0.4 km of the LCHF, and serpentinized peridotites were recovered. The hydrologic regime differs between the two locations, with a low permeability conductive regime in Hole U1309D and a high likelihood of deep permeability along the southern wall. Expedition 399 targets both locations to collect new data on ancient processes during deformation and alteration of detachment fault rocks. Recovered rocks and fluids will provide new insights into ongoing water-rock interactions, abiotic organic synthesis reactions, and the extent and diversity of life in the subseafloor in an actively serpentinizing system. We will deepen Hole U1309D to 2060 mbsf, where temperatures are expected to be ~220°C. The lithology is predicted to transition with depth from primarily gabbroic to more ultramafic material. Predicted temperatures are well above the known limits of life, so detectable hydrogen, methane, and organic molecules can be readily attributed to abiotic processes. A new ~200 m hole will be drilled on the southern ridge close to Expedition 357 Site M0069, where both deformed and undeformed serpentinites were recovered. We aim to recover a complete section through the detachment fault zone and to sample material that reflects the subseafloor biological, geochemical, and alteration processes that occur along the LCHF circulation pathway. Borehole fluids from both holes will be collected using both the Kuster Flow Through Sampler tool and the new Multi-Temperature Fluid Sampler tool. Wireline logging will provide information on downhole density and resistivity, image structural features, and document fracture orientations. A reentry system will be installed at proposed Site AMDH-02A, and Hole U1309D will be left open for future deep drilling, fluid sampling, and potentially borehole observatories. 
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  5. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 successfully cored an east–west transect across the southern wall of Atlantis Massif on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) to study the links between serpentinization processes and microbial activity in the shallow subsurface of highly altered ultramafic and mafic sequences that have been uplifted to the seafloor along a major detachment fault zone. The primary goals of this expedition were to (1) examine the role of serpentinization in driving hydrothermal systems, sustaining microbial communities, and sequestering carbon; (2) characterize the tectonomagmatic processes that lead to lithospheric heterogeneities and detachment faulting; and (3) assess how abiotic and biotic processes change with variations in rock type and progressive exposure on the seafloor. To accomplish these objectives, we developed a coring and sampling strategy centered on the use of seabed drills—the first time that such systems have been used in the scientific ocean drilling programs. This technology was chosen in the hope of achieving high recovery of the carbonate cap sequences and intact contact and deformation relationships. The expedition plans also included several engineering developments to assess geochemical parameters during drilling; sample bottom water before, during, and after drilling; supply synthetic tracers during drilling for contamination assessment; acquire in situ electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements for assessing fractures, fluid flow, and extent of serpentinization; and seal boreholes to provide opportunities for future experiments. Expedition 359 was designed to address changes in sea level and currents, along with monsoon evolution in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives archipelago holds a unique and mostly unread Indian Ocean archive of the evolving Cenozoic icehouse world. Cores from eight drill sites in the Inner Sea of the Maldives provide the tropical marine record that is key for better understanding the effects of this global evolution in the Indo-Pacific realm. In addition, the bank geometries of the carbonate archipelago provide a physical record of changing sea level and ocean currents. The bank growth occurs in pulses of aggradation and progradation that are controlled by sea level fluctuations during the early and middle Miocene, including the mid-Miocene Climate Optimum. A dramatic shift in development of the carbonate edifice from a sea level–controlled to a predominantly current-controlled system appears to be directly linked to the evolving Indian monsoon. This phase led to a twofold configuration of bank development: bank growth continued in some parts of the edifice, whereas in other places, banks drowned. Drowning steps seem to coincide with onset and intensification of the monsoon-related current system and subsequent deposition of contourite fans and large-scale sediment drifts. As such, the drift deposits will provide a continuous record of Indian monsoon development in the region of the Maldives. A major focus of Expedition 359 was to date precisely the onset of the current system. This goal was successfully completed during the expedition. The second important outcome of Expedition 359 was groundtruthing the hypothesis that the dramatic, pronounced change in style of the carbonate platform sequence stacking was caused by a combination of relative sea level fluctuations and ocean current system changes. These questions are directly addressed by the shipboard scientific data. In addition, Expedition 359 cores will provide a complete Neogene δ13C record of the platform and platform margin sediments and a comparison with pelagic records over the same time period. This comparison will allow assessment of the extent to which platform carbonates record changes in the global carbon cycle and whether changes in the carbon isotopic composition of organic and inorganic components covary and the implications this has on the deep-time record. This determination is important because such records are the only type that exists in deep time. 
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