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Title: Have I Been Exploited? A Registry of Vulnerable Smart Contracts
Ethereum Smart Contracts, also known as Decentralized Applications (DApps), are small programs which orchestrate financial transactions. Though beneficial in many cases, such contracts can and have been exploited, leading to a history of financial losses in the millions of dollars for those who have invested in them. It is critical that users be able to trust the contract code they place their money into. One way for verifying a program’s integrity is Symbolic Execution. Unfortunately, while the information derived from symbolic execution is beneficial, performing it is often financially and technically infeasible for users to do. To address this problem, this paper describes the design and implementation of a registry of vulnerable Ethereum contracts. The registry compiles the results of exhaustive application of symbolic analysis to deployed contracts and makes it available to users seeking to understand the risks associated with contracts they are intending to utilize.  more » « less
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International Conference on Blockchain
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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