When searching for an object in a cluttered scene, we can use our memory of the target object features to guide our search, and the responses of neurons in multiple cortical visual areas are enhanced when their receptive field contains a stimulus sharing target object features. Here we tested the role of the ventral prearcuate region (VPA) of prefrontal cortex in the control of feature attention in cortical visual area V4. VPA was unilaterally inactivated in monkeys performing a free-viewing visual search for a target stimulus in an array of stimuli, impairing monkeys’ ability to find the target in the array in the affected hemifield, but leaving intact their ability to make saccades to targets presented alone. Simultaneous recordings in V4 revealed that the effects of feature attention on V4 responses were eliminated or greatly reduced while leaving the effects of spatial attention on responses intact. Altogether, the results suggest that feedback from VPA modulates processing in visual cortex during attention to object features.
Saccadic eye movements (saccades) disrupt the continuous flow of visual information, yet our perception of the visual world remains uninterrupted. Here we assess the representation of the visual scene across saccades from single-trial spike trains of extrastriate visual areas, using a combined electrophysiology and statistical modeling approach. Using a model-based decoder we generate a high temporal resolution readout of visual information, and identify the specific changes in neurons’ spatiotemporal sensitivity that underly an integrated perisaccadic representation of visual space. Our results show that by maintaining a memory of the visual scene, extrastriate neurons produce an uninterrupted representation of the visual world. Extrastriate neurons exhibit a late response enhancement close to the time of saccade onset, which preserves the latest pre-saccadic information until the post-saccadic flow of retinal information resumes. These results show how our brain exploits available information to maintain a representation of the scene while visual inputs are disrupted.
more » « less- NSF-PAR ID:
- 10305708
- Publisher / Repository:
- Nature Publishing Group
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nature Communications
- Volume:
- 12
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-1723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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