We design an algorithm for finding counterfactuals with strong theoretical guarantees on its performance. For any monotone model f:Xd→{0,1} and instance x⋆, our algorithm makes
{queries} to f and returns an {\sl optimal} counterfactual for x⋆: a nearest instance x′ to x⋆ for which f(x′)≠f(x⋆). Here S(f) is the sensitivity of f, a discrete analogue of the Lipschitz constant, and Δf(x⋆) is the distance from x⋆ to its nearest counterfactuals. The previous best known query complexity was dO(Δf(x⋆)), achievable by brute-force local search. We further prove a lower bound of S(f)Ω(Δf(x⋆))+Ω(logd) on the query complexity of any algorithm, thereby showing that the guarantees of our algorithm are essentially optimal.
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Provably efficient, succinct, and precise explanations
We consider the problem of explaining the predictions of an arbitrary blackbox model f: given query access to f and an instance x, output a small set of x's features that in conjunction essentially determines f(x). We design an efficient algorithm with provable guarantees on the succinctness and precision of the explanations that it returns. Prior algorithms were either efficient but lacked such guarantees, or achieved such guarantees but were inefficient. We obtain our algorithm via a connection to the problem of {\sl implicitly} learning decision trees. The implicit nature of this learning task allows for efficient algorithms even when the complexity of~f
necessitates an intractably large surrogate decision tree. We solve the implicit learning problem by bringing together techniques from learning theory, local computation algorithms, and complexity theory. Our approach of “explaining by implicit learning” shares elements of two previously disparate methods for post-hoc explanations, global and local explanations, and we make the case that it enjoys advantages of both.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2006664
- 10339720
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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