- Award ID(s):
- 1756414
- 10341892
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Microorganisms
- Volume:
- 10
- Issue:
- 2
- 2076-2607
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 385
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Thomas Wernberg (Ed.)Warming ocean temperatures have been linked to kelp forest declines worldwide, and elevated temperatures can act synergistically with other local stressors to exacerbate kelp loss. The bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana is the primary canopy‐forming kelp species in the Salish Sea, where it is declining in areas with elevated summer water temperatures and low nutrient concentrations. To determine the interactive effects of these two stressors on microscopic stages of N. luetkeana, we cultured gametophytes and microscopic sporophytes from seven different Salish Sea populations across seven different temperatures (10–22°C) and two nitrogen concentrations. The thermal tolerance of microscopic gametophytes and sporophytes was similar across populations, and high temperatures were more stressful than low nitrogen levels. Additional nitrogen did not improve gametophyte or sporophyte survival at high temperatures. Gametophyte densities were highest between 10 and 16°C and declined sharply at 18°C, and temperatures of 20 and 22°C were lethal. The window for successful sporophyte production was narrower, peaking at 10–14°C. Across all populations, the warmest temperature at which sporophytes were produced was 16 or 18°C, but sporophyte densities were 78% lower at 16°C and 95% lower at 18°C compared to cooler temperatures. In the field, bottom temperatures revealed that the thermal limits of gametophyte growth (18°C) and sporophyte production (16–18°C) were reached during the summer at multiple sites. Prolonged exposure of bull kelp gametophytes to temperatures of 16°C and above could limit reproduction, and therefore recruitment, of adult kelp sporophytes.more » « less
Warming and nutrient limitation are stressors known to weaken the health of microalgae. In situations of stress, access to energy reserves can minimize physiological damage. Because of its widespread requirements in biochemical processes, iron is an important trace metal, especially for photosynthetic organisms. Lowered iron availability in oceans experiencing rising temperatures may contribute to the thermal sensitivity of reef‐building corals, which rely on mutualisms with dinoflagellates to survive. To test the influence of iron concentration on thermal sensitivity, the physiological responses of cultured symbiotic dinoflagellates (genus
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The breakdown of symbiotic mutualism between cnidarian hosts and dinoflagellate algae partners (i.e., bleaching) has been linked to an immune-like response pathway brought on by a nitro-oxidative burst, a symptom of thermal stress. Stress induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS)/reactive nitrogen species is a problem common to aerobic systems. In this study, we tested the antioxidant effects of engineered poly(acrylic acid)-coated cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CeO 2 , nanoceria) on free-living Symbiodiniaceae ( Breviolum minutum ), a dinoflagellate alga that forms symbiotic relationships with reef-building corals and anemones. Results show that poly(acrylic acid)-coated CeO 2 with hydrodynamic diameters of ~4 nm are internalized by B. minutum in under 30 min and subsequently localized in the cytosol. Nanoceria exposure does not inhibit cell growth over time, with the treated cultures showing a similar growth trend over the 25-day exposure. Aerobic activity and thermal stress when held at 34°C for 1 h (+6°C above control) led to increased intracellular ROS concentration with time. A clear ROS scavenging effect of the nanoceria was observed, with a 5-fold decrease in intracellular ROS levels during thermal stress. The nitric oxide (NO) concentration decreased by ~17% with thermal stress, suggesting the rapid involvement of NO scavenging enzymes or proteins within 1 h of stress onset. The presence of nanoceria did not appear to influence NO concentration. Furthermore, aposymbiotic anemones ( Exaiptasia diaphana , ex Aiptasia pallida ) were successfully infected with nanoceria-loaded B. minutum , demonstrating that inoculation could serve as a delivery method. The ability of nanoceria to be taken up by Symbiodiniaceae and reduce ROS production could be leveraged as a potential mitigation strategy to reduce coral bleaching.more » « less
1. Temperature strongly influences the rates of physiological processes in insects, including the herbivore
Manduca sexta and its larval endoparasitoidCotesia congregata . Parasitisation byC. congregata decreases the growth and consumption of food by larvalM. sexta . However, the effects of temperature on parasitised caterpillars and the developing wasp larvae are largely unknown.2. In this study, parasitised and unparasitised caterpillars were reared at three constant temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C) throughout larval development. Caterpillar mass gain and consumption were monitored daily until wandering (unparasitised control group) or wasp emergence (parasitised group) was observed. Development time and survival to emergence were measured as metrics of parasitoid performance.
3. Parasitised
M. sexta developed more slowly than unparasitised controls, but had similar cumulative consumption until the terminal instar. Parasitised caterpillars with relatively large parasitoid loads had higher rates of consumption and growth than those with smaller loads. Both temperature and parasitoid load strongly affected wasp success. Mean development time to wasp emergence increased with low temperatures and with large loads. The combination of warm temperature and large parasitoid loads greatly reduced wasp survival.4. These results demonstrate the interactive effects of rearing temperature and parasitisation on host consumption and growth rates throughout larval development. In addition, wasp performance was affected by the interaction of temperature and parasitoid load size. High temperatures alter the dynamics of the interaction between the parasitoid and its caterpillar host, which could have far‐reaching impacts as the global temperatures continue to rise.
Abstract Insect parasitoids, and the arthropod hosts they consume during development, are important ecological players in almost all environments across the globe. As ectothermic organisms, both parasitoid and host are strongly impacted by environmental temperature. If thermal tolerances differ between host insect and parasitoid, then the outcome of their interaction will be determined by the ambient temperature. As mean temperatures continue to rise and extreme temperatures become more frequent, we must determine the effect of high temperature stress on host–parasitoid systems to predict how they will fare in the face of climate change.
The majority of studies conducted on host–parasitoid systems focus on either performance under constant temperature or a fixed metric of thermal tolerance (CTmax) for individual organisms. However, performance at constant temperatures is not predictive of performance under ecologically relevant, fluctuating temperatures and measurements of thermal thresholds provide little information regarding the effects of temperature throughout development. We address this by testing the effects of increasing mean temperature in both constant and fluctuating (±10°C) environments throughout development on the performance of the parasitoid wasp
Cotesia congregata and its lepidopteran larval host,Manduca sexta .The growth of
M. sexta was influenced by mean temperature, diurnal fluctuations and parasitization status. Caterpillar growth rate increased with increasing mean temperature, but decreased in response to diurnal fluctuations and parasitization byC. congregata wasps.Wasp survival decreased with increasing mean temperature and with diurnal fluctuations. The effect of diurnal fluctuations was stronger at higher mean temperatures. Diurnal fluctuations at our highest mean temperature treatment (30 ± 10°C) resulted in complete wasp mortality, and parasitized hosts displayed abnormal physiology, wherein they failed to exhibit wasp emergence, did not enter the prepupal stage, continued to feed and grew up to twofold larger than a normal, unparasitized caterpillar.
Our results indicate hosts and parasitoids in this system have different thermal tolerances during development; the parasitoid wasp suffered complete mortality at a temperature regime that is mildly stressful for the unparasitized caterpillar host species. Our findings suggest
C. congregata will suffer more severely under increasing temperatures thanM. sexta , with cascading trophic and ecological effects.A free
Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.