- Award ID(s):
- 0915337
- 10350991
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Winter Simulation Conference
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2750 to 2761
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) using distributed synchronization supports the concurrent execution of discrete event simulation models on parallel processing hardware platforms. The multi-core/many-core era has provided a low latency “cluster on a chip” architecture for high-performance simulation and modeling of complex systems. A research many-core processor named the Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC) has been created by Intel Labs that contains some interesting opportunities for PDES research and development. The features of most interest in the SCC system are: low-latency messaging hardware, software managed cache coherence, and (user controllable) core independent dynamic frequency and voltage regulation capability. Ideally, each of these features provide interesting opportunities that can be exploited for improving the performance of PDES. This paper reports some preliminary efforts to migrate an optimistically synchronized parallel simulation kernel called WARPED to an SCC emulation system called Rock Creek Communication Environment (RCCE). The WARPED simulation kernel has been ported to the RCCE environment and several test simulation models have also been ported to the RCCE environment. Based on initial efforts, some preliminary insights on how to exploit some of the exotic features of SCC for increasing the performance of PDES applications is noted.more » « less
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Time Warp synchronized parallel discrete event simulators are organized to operate asynchronously and aggressively without explicit synchronization between the concurrently executing simulators. In place of an explicit synchronization mechanism, the concurrent simulators maintain a common virtual clock model and implement a rollback/recovery mechanism to restore causal order when out-of order events are detected. When the critical path of execution of the simulation is balanced across these parallel simulators, this can result in a highly effective, lightweight synchronization mechanism. However, imbalances in the workload across the parallel simulators can result in excessive rollback at some nodes and ultimately result in an overall slowing of the simulation as prematurely computed and transmitted events are processed. On small shared memory multi-core systems, a lowest timestamp first scheduling policy can effectively balance the workload. However, on larger many-core chips, conventional load balancing and workload migration will once again become necessary. Fortunately, emerging many-core chips contain some interesting features that can potentially be exploited to improve the performance of parallel simulations. For example, the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC) provides mechanisms that a running application can use to adjust the frequency/voltage of different regions (called islands) of the chip. These islands are network and processing core centric and thus, in a Time Warp simulation, one can increase the frequency of the cores executing threads on the critical path (those experiencing infrequent rollback) and decrease the frequency of the cores executing threads off the critical path (those experiencing excessive rollback). This paper investigates the run-time control and adjustment of core frequency in an AMD Phenom II X6 multi-core processor to explore and demonstrate that the dynamic run-time control of core frequency can sometimes improve the performance of a Time Warp synchronized parallel simulation.more » « less
Computer simulations are widely used to design and evaluate air traffic systems. A fast time simulation capability is essential to effectively explore the consequences of decisions in airspace design, air traffic management, and operations. A parallel simulation approach is proposed to accelerate fast time simulation of air traffic networks that exploits both temporal and spatial parallelisms. A time-parallel algorithm is first described that simulates different time intervals concurrently and uses a fix up computation that exploits the scheduled nature of commercial air traffic to address the problem of dependencies between time segments. The time-parallel algorithm is then extended with a space-parallel simulation approach using Time Warp to simulate each time segment in parallel thereby increasing the amount of parallelism that can be exploited. The time and space-parallel algorithms are evaluated using a simulation of the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS). Experimental data is presented demonstrating that this approach can achieve greater acceleration than what can be achieved by exploiting time-parallel or space-parallel simulation techniques alone.
Motivated by a wide range of applications, research on agent-based models of contagion propagation over networks has attracted a lot of attention in the literature. Many of the available software systems for simulating such agent-based models require users to download software, build the executable and set up execution environments. Further, running the resulting executable may require access to high performance computing clusters. Our work describes an open access software system (NetSimS) that works under the “Modeling and Simulation as a Service” (MSaaS) paradigm. It allows users to run simulations by selecting agent-based models and parameters, initial conditions, and networks through a web interface. The system supports a variety of models and networks with millions of nodes and edges. In addition to the simulator, the system includes components that allow users to choose initial conditions for simulations in a variety of ways, to analyze the data generated through simulations, and to produce plots from the data. We describe the components of NetSimS and carry out a performance evaluation of the system. We also discuss two case studies carried out on large networks using the system. NetSimS is a major component within net.science, a cyberinfrastructure for network science. Index Terms—Agent-Based Simulation, Contagion, Networks, Modeling and Simulation as a Service, Cyberinfrastructuremore » « less