- Award ID(s):
- 1655635
- 10355130
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- ZooKeys
- Volume:
- 1096
- 1313-2989
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 17 to 118
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The terrestrial isopod genus
Ligidium includes 58 species from Europe, Asia, and North America. In Eastern North America four species are recognized:L. floridanum andL. mucronatum , known just from their type localities in Florida and Louisiana respectively,L. blueridgensis , endemic to the southern Appalachians, andL. elrodii , widespread from Georgia to Ontario. The genus shows a marked morphological conservatism, and species are differentiated mostly by small morphological differences; it is not always easy to determine if such variability represents inter‐ or intraspecific variation. Here, we explore the diversity ofLigidium from the southern Appalachian Mountains, exploring the congruence of morphologically defined groups with multilocus phylogenetic reconstructions and molecular species delimitation methods. We have studied a total of 130 specimens from 37 localities, mostly from the southern Appalachians, and analysed mtDNA (Cox1) and nuclear (28S, NaK) sequences. Morphologically, we recognized eight morphotypes, most of them assignable to current concepts ofL .elrodii andL .blueridgensis . Phylogenetic analyses supported the evolutionary independence of all morphotypes, and suggest the existence of 8–9 species, including limited cryptic diversity. Single‐locus delimitation analyses based on mtDNA data suggest the existence of a much higher number of species than the multilocus analyses. The estimated age of the ancestors of sampled lineages indicates a long presence of the genus in eastern North America and old speciation events through the Miocene. Our results indicate a higher diversity than previously thought among theLigidium populations present in the southern Appalachian Mountains, with several species to be described. -
Millipedes of the genus Apheloria Chamberlin, 1921 occur in temperate broadleaf forests throughout eastern North America and west of the Mississippi River in the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains. Chemically defended with toxins made up of cyanide and benzaldehyde, the genus is part of a community of xystodesmid millipedes that compose several Müllerian mimicry rings in the Appalachian Mountains. We describe a model species of these mimicry rings, Apheloria polychroma n. sp., one of the most variable in coloration of all species of Diplopoda with more than six color morphs, each associated with a separate mimicry ring.more » « less
null (Ed.)Millipedes in the family Xystodesmidae (Polydesmida) are often referred to as “colorful, flat-backed millipedes” for their bright aposematic coloration and tendency to form Müllerian mimicry rings in the Appalachian region. However, there are many species of Xystodesmidae that do not display colorful warning patterns, and instead have more cryptic appearances. Perhaps for this reason, groups such as the genus Nannaria have remained understudied, despite containing a large number of undescribed species. Before his death in 2012, R. L. Hoffman worked on a revision of the genus Nannaria , and synthesized material and drawings since 1949. Here the work is continued, inferring a molecular phylogeny of the Nannariini ( Nannaria + Oenomaea pulchella ), and revealing two clades within the genus. One clade is named the minor species group, and the second is the wilsoni species group. This revision, using a molecular phylogenetic framework, is the basis for descriptions of 35 new species in the minor species group. A multi-gene molecular phylogeny is used to make taxonomic changes in the taxon. Eleven putative species of Nannaria are also illustrated and discussed. Additionally, detailed collection, natural history and habitat notes, distribution maps, and a key to species of the Nannaria minor species group are provided. These items are synthesized as a basis for a revision of the genus, which hopefully will aid conservation and evolutionary investigations of this cryptic and understudied group.more » « less
A multigene phylogenetic assessment of North American species of Mallocybe is presented based on analyses of rpb1, rpb2, ITS, and 28S rDNA nucleotide data. This framework enables a systematic revision of the genus for 16 eastern North American species and captures taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in a global context. A grade of two unusual and poorly known North American species stems from the most recent common ancestor of the genus that gives rise to three core subgroups named here as clades Unicolores, Nothosperma, and Mallocybe. The grade of taxa includes the poorly known Lepista praevillosa from Florida and a new species from the southern Appalachians, M. montana, both of which appear to be narrow-range endemics. Clade Nothosperma is characterized by Australian and New Zealand species, whereas clade Unicolores is composed of six species from eastern North America and East Asia. Clade Mallocybe is dominated by numerous north temperate taxa and constitutes the sister group to clade Nothosperma. These major clades are distinguished by a combination of phylogeny, morphology, geographic distribution, and ecology. In addition, four North American species are described as new: M. leucothrix, M. luteobasis, M. montana, and M. tomentella. Several names originating in North America, long ignored or misunderstood in the literature, are revitalized and established by type comparisons and modern reference material collected from or near type localities. In addition, 11 species were subjected to mass spectrometry muscarine assays, none of which contained detectable amounts of muscarine except for two: M. sabulosa and M. praevillosa. This confirms a diffuse phylogenetic distribution of muscarine within the genus. Taxonomic descriptions are presented for 16 species, several synonymies proposed, and four new combinations made. A key to species of eastern North American Mallocybe is presented, along with illustrations of important diagnostic features.more » « less