We present a dedicated search for new pulsating helium-atmosphere (DBV) white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using the McDonald 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope. In total we observed 55 DB and DBA white dwarfs with spectroscopic temperatures between 19,000 and 35,000 K. We find 19 new DBVs and place upper limits on variability for the remaining 36 objects. In combination with previously known DBVs, we use these objects to provide an update to the empirical extent of the DB instability strip. With our sample of new DBVs, the red edge is better constrained, as we nearly double the number of DBVs known between 20,000 and 24,000 K. We do not find any new DBVs hotter than PG 0112+104, the current hottest DBV is at
- 10363736
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 927
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 158
- Size(s):
- Article No. 158
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Context. The TESS space mission has recently demonstrated its great potential to discover new pulsating white dwarf and pre-white dwarf stars, and to detect periodicities with high precision in already known white-dwarf pulsators. Aims. We report the discovery of two new pulsating He-rich atmosphere white dwarfs (DBVs) and present a detailed asteroseismological analysis of three already known DBV stars employing observations collected by the TESS mission along with ground-based data. Methods. We processed and analyzed TESS observations of the three already known DBV stars PG 1351+489 (TIC 471015205), EC 20058−5234 (TIC 101622737), and EC 04207−4748 (TIC 153708460), and the two new DBV pulsators WDJ152738.4−50207.4 (TIC 150808542) and WD 1708−871 (TIC 451533898), whose variability is reported for the first time in this paper. We also carried out a detailed asteroseismological analysis using fully evolutionary DB white-dwarf models built considering the complete evolution of the progenitor stars. We constrained the stellar mass of three of these target stars by means of the observed period spacing, and derived a representative asteroseismological model using the individual periods, when possible. Results. We extracted frequencies from the TESS light curves of these DBV stars using a standard pre-whitening procedure to derive the potential pulsation frequencies. All the oscillation frequencies that we found are associated with g -mode pulsations with periods spanning from ∼190 s to ∼936 s. We find hints of rotation from frequency triplets in some of the targets, including the two new DBVs. For three targets, we find constant period spacings, which allowed us to infer their stellar masses and constrain the harmonic degree ℓ of the modes. We also performed period-to-period fit analyses and found an asteroseismological model for three targets, with stellar masses generally compatible with the spectroscopic masses. Obtaining seismological models allowed us to estimate the seismological distances and compare them with the precise astrometric distances measured with Gaia . We find a good agreement between the seismic and the astrometric distances for three stars (PG 1351+489, EC 20058-5234, and WD 1708-871); although, for the other two stars (EC 04207-4748 and WD J152738.4-50207), the discrepancies are substantial. Conclusions. The high-quality data from the TESS mission continue to provide important clues which can be used to help determine the internal structure of pulsating pre-white dwarf and white dwarf stars through the tools of asteroseismology.more » « less
Context. Pulsation frequencies reveal the interior structures of white dwarf stars, shedding light on the properties of these compact objects that represent the final evolutionary stage of most stars. Two-minute cadence photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) records pulsation signatures from bright white dwarfs over the entire sky. Aims. As part of a series of first-light papers from TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium Working Group 8, we aim to demonstrate the sensitivity of TESS data, by measuring pulsations of helium-atmosphere white dwarfs in the DBV instability strip, and what asteroseismic analysis of these measurements can reveal about their stellar structures. We present a case study of the pulsating DBV WD 0158−160 that was observed as TIC 257459955 with the two-minute cadence for 20.3 days in TESS Sector 3. Methods. We measured the frequencies of variability of TIC 257459955 with an iterative periodogram and prewhitening procedure. The measured frequencies were compared to calculations from two sets of white dwarf models to constrain the stellar parameters: the fully evolutionary models from LPCODE and the structural models from WDEC . Results. We detected and measured the frequencies of nine pulsation modes and eleven combination frequencies of WD 0158−160 to ∼0.01 μ Hz precision. Most, if not all, of the observed pulsations belong to an incomplete sequence of dipole (ℓ = 1) modes with a mean period spacing of 38.1 ± 1.0 s. The global best-fit seismic models from both LPCODE and WDEC have effective temperatures that are ≳3000 K hotter than archival spectroscopic values of 24 100–25 500 K; however, cooler secondary solutions are found that are consistent with both the spectroscopic effective temperature and distance constraints from Gaia astrometry. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate the value of the TESS data for DBV white dwarf asteroseismology. The extent of the short-cadence photometry enables reliably accurate and extremely precise pulsation frequency measurements. Similar subsets of both the LPCODE and WDEC models show good agreement with these measurements, supporting that the asteroseismic interpretation of DBV observations from TESS is not dominated by the set of models used. However, given the sensitivity of the observed set of pulsation modes to the stellar structure, external constraints from spectroscopy and/or astrometry are needed to identify the best seismic solutions.more » « less
Context. The collection of high-quality photometric data by space telescopes, such as the completed Kepler mission and the ongoing TESS program, is revolutionizing the area of white-dwarf asteroseismology. Among the different kinds of pulsating white dwarfs, there are those that have He-rich atmospheres, and they are called DBVs or V777 Her variable stars. The archetype of these pulsating white dwarfs, GD 358, is the focus of the present paper. Aims. We report a thorough asteroseismological analysis of the DBV star GD 358 (TIC 219074038) based on new high-precision photometric data gathered by the TESS space mission combined with data taken from the Earth. Methods. We reduced TESS observations of the DBV star GD 358 and performed a detailed asteroseismological analysis using fully evolutionary DB white-dwarf models computed accounting for the complete prior evolution of their progenitors. We assessed the mass of this star by comparing the measured mean period separation with the theoretical averaged period spacings of the models, and we used the observed individual periods to look for a seismological stellar model. We detected potential frequency multiplets for GD 358, which we used to identify the harmonic degree ( ℓ ) of the pulsation modes and rotation period. Results. In total, we detected 26 periodicities from the TESS light curve of this DBV star using standard pre-whitening. The oscillation frequencies are associated with nonradial g (gravity)-mode pulsations with periods from ∼422 s to ∼1087 s. Moreover, we detected eight combination frequencies between ∼543 s and ∼295 s. We combined these data with a huge amount of observations from the ground. We found a constant period spacing of 39.25 ± 0.17 s, which helped us to infer its mass ( M ⋆ = 0.588 ± 0.024 M ⊙ ) and constrain the harmonic degree ℓ of the modes. We carried out a period-fit analysis on GD 358, and we were successful in finding an asteroseismological model with a stellar mass ( M ⋆ = 0.584 −0.019 +0.025 M ⊙ ), compatible with the stellar mass derived from the period spacing, and in line with the spectroscopic mass ( M ⋆ = 0.560 ± 0.028 M ⊙ ). In agreement with previous works, we found that the frequency splittings vary according to the radial order of the modes, suggesting differential rotation. Obtaining a seismological model made it possible to estimate the seismological distance ( d seis = 42.85 ± 0.73 pc) of GD 358, which is in very good accordance with the precise astrometric distance measured by Gaia EDR3 ( π = 23.244 ± 0.024, d Gaia = 43.02 ± 0.04 pc). Conclusions. The high-quality data measured with the TESS space telescope, used in combination with data taken from ground-based observatories, provides invaluable information for conducting asteroseismological studies of DBV stars, analogously to what happens with other types of pulsating white-dwarf stars. The currently operating TESS mission, together with the advent of other similar space missions and new stellar surveys, will give an unprecedented boost to white dwarf asteroseismology.more » « less
Abstract We present a detailed model atmosphere analysis of massive white dwarfs with
M > 0.9M ⊙andT eff≥ 11,000 K in the Montreal White Dwarf Database 100 pc sample and the Pan-STARRS footprint. We obtained follow-up optical spectroscopy of 109 objects with no previous spectral classification in the literature. Our spectroscopic follow-up is now complete for all 204 objects in the sample. We find 118 normal DA white dwarfs, including 45 massive DAs near the ZZ Ceti instability strip. There are no normal massive DBs: the six DBs in the sample are strongly magnetic and/or rapidly rotating. There are 20 massive DQ white dwarfs in our sample, and all are found in the crystallization sequence. In addition, 66 targets are magnetic (32% of the sample). We use magnetic white dwarf atmosphere models to constrain the field strength and geometry using offset dipole models. We also use magnetism, kinematics, and rotation measurements to constrain the fraction of merger remnant candidates among this population. The merger fraction of this sample increases from 25% for 0.9–1M ⊙white dwarfs to 49% for 1.2–1.3M ⊙. However, this fraction is as high as % for 1.1–1.2M ⊙white dwarfs. Previous works have demonstrated that 5%–9% of high-mass white dwarfs stop cooling for ∼8 Gyr due to the22Ne distillation process, which leads to an overdensity of Q-branch stars in the solar neighborhood. We demonstrate that the overabundance of the merger remnant candidates in our sample is likely due to the same process. -
Abstract We present a new grid of cloudy atmosphere and evolution models for substellar objects. These models include the effect of refractory cloud species, including silicate clouds, on the spectra and evolution. We include effective temperatures from 900 to 2400 K and surface gravities from log
g = 3.5 to 5.5, appropriate for a broad range of objects with masses between 1 and 84M J. Model pressure–temperature structures are calculated assuming radiative–convective and chemical equilibrium. We consider the effect of both clouds and metallicity on the atmospheric structure, resulting spectra, and thermal evolution of substellar worlds. We parameterize clouds using the A. S. Ackerman & M. S. Marley cloud model, including cloud parameterf sedvalues from 1 to 8; we include three metallicities (−0.5, 0.0, and +0.5). Refractory clouds and metallicity both alter the evolution of substellar objects, changing the inferred temperature at a given age by up to 100–200 K. For solar-metallicity evolution models including clouds in warm objects, we find a hydrogen-burning minimum mass of 70.2M J, close to empirical measurements; we find a deuterium-burning minimum mass of 12.05M J(50% of initial D burned). We compare to the observed photometry of brown dwarfs, finding broad agreement with the measured photometry. We publish the spectra, evolution, and other data products online with open access on Zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.12735103 ).