It has long been known that the outcome of species interactions depends on the environmental context in which they occur. Climate change research has sparked a renewed interest in context-dependent species interactions because rapidly changing abiotic environments will cause species interactions to occur in novel contexts and researchers must incorporate this in their predictions of species’ responses to climate change. Here, we argue that predicting how the environment will alter the outcome of species interactions requires an integrative biology approach that focuses on the traits, mechanisms, and processes that bridge disciplines such as physiology, biomechanics, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Specifically, we advocate for quantifying how species differ in their tolerance and performance to both environmental challenges independent of species interactions, and in interactions with other species as a function of the environment. Such an approach increases our understanding of the mechanisms underlying outcomes of species interactions across different environmental contexts. This understanding will help determine how the outcome of species interactions affects the relative abundance and distribution of the interacting species in nature. A general theme that emerges from this perspective is that species are unable to maintain high levels of performance across different environmental contexts because of trade-offs between physiological tolerance to environmental challenges and performance in species interactions. Thus, an integrative biology paradigm that focuses on the trade-offs across environments, the physiological mechanisms involved, and how the ecological context impacts the outcome of species interactions provides a stronger framework to understand why species interactions are context dependent.
Global change is altering patterns of community assembly, with net outcomes dependent on species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic interactions. Here, we assess alpine plant community responses in a 15‐year factorial nitrogen addition, warming and snow manipulation experiment. We used a dynamic competition model to estimate the density‐dependent and ‐independent processes underlying changes in species‐group abundances over time. Density‐dependent shifts in competitive interactions drove long‐term changes in abundance of species‐groups under global change while counteracting environmental drivers limited the growth response of the dominant species through density‐independent mechanisms. Furthermore, competitive interactions shifted with the environment, primarily with nitrogen and drove non‐linear abundance responses across environmental gradients. Our results highlight that global change can either reshuffle species hierarchies or further favour already‐dominant species; predicting which outcome will occur requires incorporating both density‐dependent and ‐independent mechanisms and how they interact across multiple global change factors.
more » « less- NSF-PAR ID:
- 10375516
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Ecology Letters
- Volume:
- 25
- Issue:
- 8
- 1461-023X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 1813-1826
- Size(s):
- p. 1813-1826
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Synopsis -
Global changes such as increased drought and atmospheric nitrogen deposition perturb both the microbial and plant communities that mediate terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, few studies consider how microbial responses to global changes may be influenced by interactions with plant communities. To begin to address the role of microbial–plant interactions, we tested the hypothesis that the response of microbial communities to global change depends on the plant community. We characterized bacterial and fungal communities from 395 plant litter samples taken from the Loma Ridge Global Change Experiment, a decade-long global change experiment in Southern California that manipulates rainfall and nitrogen levels across two adjacent ecosystems, a grassland and a coastal sage scrubland. The differences in bacterial and fungal composition between ecosystems paralleled distinctions in plant community composition. In addition to the direct main effects, the global change treatments altered microbial composition in an ecosystem-dependent manner, in support of our hypothesis. The interaction between the drought treatment and ecosystem explained nearly 5% of the variation in bacterial community composition, similar to the variation explained by the ecosystem-independent effects of drought. Unexpectedly, we found that the main effect of drought was approximately four times as strong on bacterial composition as that of nitrogen addition, which did not alter fungal or plant composition. Overall, the findings underscore the importance of considering plant–microbe interactions when considering the transferability of the results of global change experiments across ecosystems.more » « less
Abstract Turnover in species composition and the dominant functional strategies in plant communities across environmental gradients is a common pattern across biomes, and is often assumed to reflect shifts in trait optima. However, the extent to which community‐wide trait turnover patterns reflect changes in how plant traits affect the vital rates that ultimately determine fitness remain unclear.
We tested whether shifts in the community‐weighted means of four key functional traits across an environmental gradient in a southern California grassland reflect variation in how these traits affect species' germination and fecundity across the landscape.
We asked whether models that included trait–environment interactions help explain variation in two key vital rates (germination rates and fecundity), as well as an integrative measure of fitness incorporating both vital rates (the product of germination rate and fecundity). To do so, we planted seeds of 17 annual plant species at 16 sites in cleared patches with no competitors, and quantified the lifetime seed production of 1360 individuals. We also measured community composition and a variety of abiotic variables across the same sites. This allowed us to evaluate whether observed shifts in community‐weighted mean traits matched the direction of any trait–environment interactions detected in the plant performance experiment.
We found that commonly measured plant functional traits do help explain variation in species responses to the environment—for example, high‐SLA species had a demographic advantage (higher germination rates and fecundity) in sites with high soil Ca:Mg levels, while low‐SLA species had an advantage in low Ca:Mg soils. We also found that shifts in community‐weighted mean traits often reflect the direction of these trait–environment interactions, though not all trait–environment relationships at the community level reflect changes in optimal trait values across these gradients.
Synthesis . Our results show how shifts in trait–fitness relationships can give rise to turnover in plant phenotypes across environmental gradients, a fundamental pattern in ecology. We highlight the value of plant functional traits in predicting species responses to environmental variation, and emphasise the need for more widespread study of trait–performance relationships to improve predictions of community responses to global change. -
Abstract Interspecific competition, environmental filtering, or spatial variation in productivity can contribute to positive or negative spatial covariance in the abundances of species across ensembles (i.e., groups of interacting species defined by geography, resource use, and taxonomy). In contrast, density compensation should give rise to a negative relationship between ecomorphological similarity and abundance of species within ensembles. We evaluated (1) whether positive or negative covariances characterized the pairwise relationships of 21 species of Congolese shrew, and (2) whether density compensation characterized the structure of each of 36 Congolese shrew ensembles, and did so based on the abundances or biomasses of species. In general, positive covariance is more common than negative covariance based on considerations of abundance or biomass, suggesting dominant roles for environmental filtering and productivity. Nonetheless, negative covariance is more common for ecomorphologically similar species, suggesting a dominant role for competition within functional groups. Effects of abundance or biomass compensation, via pairwise or diffuse competitive interactions, were detected less often than expected by chance, suggesting that interspecific competition is not the dominant mechanism structuring these ensembles. Effects of competition may be balanced by responses to variation in resource abundance among sites in a landscape or among niche spaces within sites. Future studies of compensatory effects should incorporate considerations of heterogeneity in the abundance and distribution of resources in ecological space to better isolate the effects of competition and resource abundance, which can have opposing effects on community structure.
Abstract Evolution in nature occurs in the proverbial tangled bank. The species interactions characterizing this tangled bank can be strongly affected by global change and can also influence the fitness and selective effects of a global change on a focal population. As a result, species interactions can influence which traits will promote adaptation and the magnitude or direction of evolutionary responses to the global change. First, we provide a framework describing how species interactions may influence evolutionary responses to global change. Then, we highlight case studies that have explicitly manipulated both a global change and the presence or abundance of interacting species and used either experimental evolution or quantitative genetics approaches to test for the effects of species interactions on evolutionary responses to global change. Although still not frequently considered, we argue that species interactions commonly modulate the effects of global change on the evolution of plant and animal populations. As a result, predicting the evolutionary effects of the multitude of global changes facing natural populations requires both community ecology and evolutionary perspectives.