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Title: Disentangling multiple scattering with deep learning: application to strain mapping from electron diffraction patterns

A fast, robust pipeline for strain mapping of crystalline materials is important for many technological applications. Scanning electron nanodiffraction allows us to calculate strain maps with high accuracy and spatial resolutions, but this technique is limited when the electron beam undergoes multiple scattering. Deep-learning methods have the potential to invert these complex signals, but require a large number of training examples. We implement a Fourier space, complex-valued deep-neural network, FCU-Net, to invert highly nonlinear electron diffraction patterns into the corresponding quantitative structure factor images. FCU-Net was trained using over 200,000 unique simulated dynamical diffraction patterns from different combinations of crystal structures, orientations, thicknesses, and microscope parameters, which are augmented with experimental artifacts. We evaluated FCU-Net against simulated and experimental datasets, where it substantially outperforms conventional analysis methods. Our code, models, and training library are open-source and may be adapted to different diffraction measurement problems.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Nature Publishing Group
Date Published:
Journal Name:
npj Computational Materials
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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