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Title: Riverine groundwater discharge estimation in a dynamic river corridor using 222Rn

Groundwater discharge flux into rivers (riverine groundwater discharge or RGD) is essential information for the conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems and resources. One way to estimate area‐integrated groundwater discharge into surface water bodies is to measure the concentration of a groundwater tracer within the water body. We assessed groundwater discharge using222Rn, a tracer common in many surface water studies, through field measurements, surface water222Rn mass balance model, and groundwater flow simulation, for the seldom studied but ubiquitous setting of a flooding river corridor. The investigation was conducted at the dam‐regulated Lower Colorado River (LCR) in Austin, Texas, USA. We found that222Rn in both the river water and groundwater in the river bank changed synchronously over a 12‐hour flood cycle. A222Rn mass balance model allowed for estimation of groundwater discharge into a 500‐m long reach of the LCR over the flood. The groundwater discharge ranged between negative values (indicating recharge) to 1570 m3/h; groundwater discharge from groundwater flow simulations corroborated these estimates. However, for the dynamic groundwater discharge estimated by the222Rn box model, assuming whether the groundwater222Rn endmember was constant or dynamic led to notably different results. The resultant groundwater discharge estimates are also highly sensitive to river222Rn values. We thus recommend that when using this approach to accurately characterize dynamic groundwater discharge, the222Rn in near‐stream groundwater should be monitored at the same frequency as river222Rn. If this is not possible, the222Rn method can still provide reasonable but approximate groundwater discharge given background information on surface water‐groundwater exchange time scales.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Hydrological Processes
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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