We present the KODIAQ-Z survey aimed to characterize the cool, photoionized gas at 2.2 ≲
The bimodal absorption system imaging campaign (BASIC) aims to characterize the galaxy environments of a sample of 36 H
- Award ID(s):
- 2044303
- 10397511
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 944
- Issue:
- 1
- 0004-637X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 101
- Size(s):
- Article No. 101
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract z ≲ 3.6 in 202 Hi -selected absorbers with 14.6 ≤ < 20 that probe the interface between galaxies and the intergalactic medium (IGM). We find that gas with at 2.2 ≲z ≲ 3.6 can be metal-rich (−1.6 ≲ [X/H] ≲ − 0.2) as seen in damped Lyα absorbers (DLAs); it can also be very metal-poor ([X/H] < − 2.4) or even pristine ([X/H] < − 3.8), which is not observed in DLAs but is common in the IGM. For absorbers, the frequency of pristine absorbers is about 1%–10%, while for absorbers it is 10%–20%, similar to the diffuse IGM. Supersolar gas is extremely rare (<1%) at these redshifts. The factor of several thousand spread from the lowest to highest metallicities and large metallicity variations (a factor of a few to >100) between absorbers separated by less than Δv < 500 km s−1imply that the metals are poorly mixed in gas. We show that these photoionized absorbers contribute to about 14% of the cosmic baryons and 45% of the cosmic metals at 2.2 ≲z ≲ 3.6. We find that the mean metallicity increases withN Hi , consistent with what is found inz < 1 gas. The metallicity of gas in this column density regime has increased by a factor ∼8 from 2.2 ≲z ≲ 3.6 toz < 1, but the contribution of the absorbers to the total metal budget of the universe atz < 1 is a quarter of that at 2.2 ≲z ≲ 3.6. We show that FOGGIE cosmological zoom-in simulations have a similar evolution of [X/H] withN Hi , which is not observed in lower-resolution simulations. In these simulations, very metal-poor absorbers with [X/H] < − 2.4 atz ∼ 2–3 are tracers of inflows, while higher-metallicity absorbers are a mixture of inflows and outflows. -
Abstract We present measurements of the rest-frame UV spectral slope,
β , for a sample of 36 faint star-forming galaxies atz ∼ 9–16 discovered in one of the deepest JWST NIRCam surveys to date, the Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public Survey. We use robust photometric measurements for UV-faint galaxies (down toM UV∼ −16), originally published in Leung et al., and measure values of the UV spectral slope via photometric power-law fitting to both the observed photometry and stellar population models obtained through spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting withBagpipes . We obtain a median and 68% confidence interval forβ from photometric power-law fitting of and from SED fitting, for the full sample. We show that when only two to three photometric detections are available, SED fitting has a lower scatter and reduced biases than photometric power-law fitting. We quantify this bias and find that after correction the median . We measure physical properties for our galaxies withBagpipes and find that our faint ( ) sample is low in mass ( ), fairly dust-poor ( mag), and modestly young ( yr) with a median star formation rate of . We find no strong evidence for ultrablue UV spectral slopes (β ∼ −3) within our sample, as would be expected for exotically metal-poor (Z /Z ⊙< 10−3) stellar populations with very high Lyman continuum escape fractions. Our observations are consistent with model predictions that galaxies of these stellar masses atz ∼ 9–16 should have only modestly low metallicities (Z /Z ⊙∼ 0.1–0.2). -
Abstract We present a Keck/MOSFIRE rest-optical composite spectrum of 16 typical gravitationally lensed star-forming dwarf galaxies at 1.7 ≲
z ≲ 2.6 (z mean= 2.30), all chosen independent of emission-line strength. These galaxies have a median stellar mass of and a median star formation rate of . We measure the faint electron-temperature-sensitive [Oiii ]λ 4363 emission line at 2.5σ (4.1σ ) significance when considering a bootstrapped (statistical-only) uncertainty spectrum. This yields a direct-method oxygen abundance of ( ). We investigate the applicability at highz of locally calibrated oxygen-based strong-line metallicity relations, finding that the local reference calibrations of Bian et al. best reproduce (≲0.12 dex) our composite metallicity at fixed strong-line ratio. At fixedM *, our composite is well represented by thez ∼ 2.3 direct-method stellar mass—gas-phase metallicity relation (MZR) of Sanders et al. When comparing to predicted MZRs from the IllustrisTNG and FIRE simulations, having recalculated our stellar masses with more realistic nonparametric star formation histories , we find excellent agreement with the FIRE MZR. Our composite is consistent with no metallicity evolution, at fixedM *and SFR, of the locally defined fundamental metallicity relation. We measure the doublet ratio [Oii ]λ 3729/[Oii ]λ 3726 = 1.56 ± 0.32 (1.51 ± 0.12) and a corresponding electron density of ( ) when considering the bootstrapped (statistical-only) error spectrum. This result suggests that lower-mass galaxies have lower densities than higher-mass galaxies atz ∼ 2. -
Abstract We present ∼300 stellar metallicity measurements in two faint M31 dwarf galaxies, Andromeda XVI (
M V = −7.5) and Andromeda XXVIII (M V = –8.8), derived using metallicity-sensitive calcium H and K narrowband Hubble Space Telescope imaging. These are the first individual stellar metallicities in And XVI (95 stars). Our And XXVIII sample (191 stars) is a factor of ∼15 increase over literature metallicities. For And XVI, we measure , , and ∇[Fe/H]= −0.23 ± 0.15 dex . We find that And XVI is more metal-rich than Milky Way ultrafaint dwarf galaxies of similar luminosity, which may be a result of its unusually extended star formation history. For And XXVIII, we measure , , and ∇[Fe/H]= −0.46 ± 0.10 dex , placing it on the dwarf galaxy mass–metallicity relation. Neither galaxy has a metallicity distribution function (MDF) with an abrupt metal-rich truncation, suggesting that star formation fell off gradually. The stellar metallicity gradient measurements are among the first for faint (L ≲ 106L ⊙) galaxies outside the Milky Way halo. Both galaxies’ gradients are consistent with predictions from the FIRE simulations, where an age–gradient strength relationship is the observational consequence of stellar feedback that produces dark matter cores. We include a catalog for community spectroscopic follow-up, including 19 extremely metal-poor ([Fe/H] < –3.0) star candidates, which make up 7% of And XVI’s MDF and 6% of And XXVIII’s. -
Abstract This paper presents a newly established sample of 103 unique galaxies or galaxy groups at 0.4 ≲
z ≲ 0.7 from the Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS) for studying the warm-hot circumgalactic medium (CGM) probed by both Ovi and Neviii absorption. The galaxies and associated neighbors are identified at <1 physical Mpc from the sightlines toward 15 CUBS QSOs atz QSO≳ 0.8. A total of 30 galaxies or galaxy groups exhibit associated Ovi λ λ 1031, 1037 doublet absorption within a line-of-sight velocity interval of ±250 km s−1, while the rest show no trace of Ovi to a detection limit of . Meanwhile, only five galaxies or galaxy groups exhibit the Neviii λ λ 770, 780 doublet absorption, down to a limiting column density of . These Ovi - and Neviii -bearing halos reside in different galaxy environments with stellar masses ranging from to ≈11.5. The warm-hot CGM around galaxies of different stellar masses and star formation rates exhibits different spatial profiles and kinematics. In particular, star-forming galaxies with show a significant concentration of metal-enriched warm-hot CGM within the virial radius, while massive quiescent galaxies exhibit flatter radial profiles of both column densities and covering fractions. In addition, the velocity dispersion of Ovi absorption is broad withσ υ > 40 km s−1for galaxies of within the virial radius, suggesting a more dynamic warm-hot halo around these galaxies. Finally, the warm-hot CGM probed by Ovi and Neviii is suggested to be the dominant phase in sub-L * galaxies with based on their high ionization fractions in the CGM.