Moonkyung Chung, Sung-Ryul Kim
Retaining structures in waterfront areas are sensitive to seismically triggered liquefaction, leading to large deformations of the backfill and the retaining structure. The response of such systems depends heavily on the soil parameters, one of the most important being its relative density. This paper summarizes the key aspects of three centrifuge experiments performed at the Center for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (CEES) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2020 as part of the experimental campaign for the Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Project (LEAP-2020). The three models reflected the same prototype problem of a rigid floating sheet-pile quay wall supporting a 3-m-deep liquefiable soil deposit, of loose, medium dense and dense soil relative densities. The three models observed the same building technique and were subjected to the same target dynamic input motion.
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