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Title: SNART: Synchrotron Self Absorption Model For Non-relativistic Transients

We presentSNART(DeMarchi & Finstad 2023), software for radio synchrotron self-absorption analysis, a generalized version of the model introduced in Chevalier, Chevalier & Fransson.SNART ingests flux density and frequency observations, fits them jointly, and outputs system physical parameters: magnetic fieldB, shock radiusR, post shock energyU, electron number densityne, circumstellar densityρCSM, and mass loss degenerate with wind velocityM˙/vwind.SNART is written in Python and is publicly available via GitHub. The repository hosts an in-depth derivation of the model and a detailed description of parameter definitions in the literature.SNART is a generalized treatment of synchrotron self absorption that leaves the choice of values forp(the power-law index of the electron distribution),q(shock front acceleration),θ(electron pitch angle, commonlyπ/2), andf(the “filling factor,” often 0.5) explicit.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Research Notes of the AAS
Medium: X Size: Article No. 77
Article No. 77
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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