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Title: Predicting allosteric pockets in protein biological assemblages
Abstract Motivation

Allostery enables changes to the dynamic behavior of a protein at distant positions induced by binding. Here, we present APOP, a new allosteric pocket prediction method, which perturbs the pockets formed in the structure by stiffening pairwise interactions in the elastic network across the pocket, to emulate ligand binding. Ranking the pockets based on the shifts in the global mode frequencies, as well as their mean local hydrophobicities, leads to high prediction success when tested on a dataset of allosteric proteins, composed of both monomers and multimeric assemblages.


Out of the 104 test cases, APOP predicts known allosteric pockets for 92 within the top 3 rank out of multiple pockets available in the protein. In addition, we demonstrate that APOP can also find new alternative allosteric pockets in proteins. Particularly interesting findings are the discovery of previously overlooked large pockets located in the centers of many protein biological assemblages; binding of ligands at these sites would likely be particularly effective in changing the protein’s global dynamics.

Availability and implementation

APOP is freely available as an open-source code ( and as a web server at

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Availability and implementation

    The code and features are freely available at:

    Supplementary information

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    Availability and implementation

    mebipred is available as a web server at and as a standalone package at

    Supplementary information

    Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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