Allele-sharing statistics for a genetic locus measure the dissimilarity between two populations as a mean of the dissimilarity between random pairs of individuals, one from each population. Owing to within-population variation in genotype, allele-sharing dissimilarities can have the property that they have a nonzero value when computed between a population and itself. We consider the mathematical properties of allele-sharing dissimilarities in a pair of populations, treating the allele frequencies in the two populations parametrically. Examining two formulations of allele-sharing dissimilarity, we obtain the distributions of within-population and between-population dissimilarities for pairs of individuals. We then mathematically explore the scenarios in which, for certain allele-frequency distributions, the within-population dissimilarity – the mean dissimilarity between randomly chosen members of a population – can exceed the dissimilarity between two populations. Such scenarios assist in explaining observations in population-genetic data that members of a population can be empirically more genetically dissimilar from each other on average than they are from members of another population. For a population pair, however, the mathematical analysis finds that at least one of the two populations always possesses smaller within-population dissimilarity than the value of the between-population dissimilarity. We illustrate the mathematical results with an application to human population-genetic data.
In studying allele-frequency variation across populations, it is often convenient to classify an allelic type as “rare,” with nonzero frequency less than or equal to a specified threshold, “common,” with a frequency above the threshold, or entirely unobserved in a population. When sample sizes differ across populations, however, especially if the threshold separating “rare” and “common” corresponds to a small number of observed copies of an allelic type, discreteness effects can lead a sample from one population to possess substantially more rare allelic types than a sample from another population, even if the two populations have extremely similar underlying allele-frequency distributions across loci. We introduce a rarefaction-based sample-size correction for use in comparing rare and common variation across multiple populations whose sample sizes potentially differ. We use our approach to examine rare and common variation in worldwide human populations, finding that the sample-size correction introduces subtle differences relative to analyses that use the full available sample sizes. We introduce several ways in which the rarefaction approach can be applied: we explore the dependence of allele classifications on subsample sizes, we permit more than two classes of allelic types of nonzero frequency, and we analyze rare and common variation in sliding windows along the genome. The results can assist in clarifying similarities and differences in allele-frequency patterns across populations.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2116322
- 10416153
- Publisher / Repository:
- Oxford University Press
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Volume:
- 224
- Issue:
- 2
- 1943-2631
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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