Title: Are We Healthier Together? Two Strategies for Supporting Macronutrient Assessment Skills and How the Crowd Can Help (or Not)
Learning macronutrient assessment skills can support improved health outcomes and overall wellbeing. We conducted two Mechanical Turk studies to investigate how users might benefit from the crowd's input in macronutrient assessment education. We first determined whether the wisdom of the crowd alone would provide users with enough insight to arrive at accurate macronutrient estimates. Next, we tested two methods of teaching macronutrient assessment skills (Comparison and Decomposition) and analyzed their effectiveness. Results from these studies indicate that while the crowd alone may not be sufficient to support this type of education, users may yet benefit from access to community-generated photos and labels while they use either the Comparison or Decomposition strategy. more »« less
Armstrong, Miriam E.; Jones, Keith S.; Namin, Akbar Siami; Newton, David C.(
, ACM Transactions on Computing Education)
More specialized cybersecurity education programs are needed to address workforce needs, but it is unclear which knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) fulfil industry needs. We interviewed 48 professionals within four cyber defense specialty areas: (1) Cyber Network Defense Analysis, (2) Cyber Network Defense Infrastructure Support, (3) Incident Response, and (4) Vulnerability Assessment and Management. The professionals rated a number of specialized KSAs along two dimensions: how important the KSA was to their job and how difficult the KSA was to learn. Overall, communication and other non-technical skills were rated as being very important for all cyber defense jobs. Findings indicated that, for some specialty areas, technical knowledge and skills vary considerably between jobs and so the ability to teach oneself is more valuable than proficiency in any one KSA. Findings may be used to inform the development of general cybersecurity curricula, as well as curricula that focus on Cyber Network Defense Analysis, Cyber Network Defense Infrastructure Support, or Vulnerability Assessment and Management.
Monfils, Anna; Ellwood, Elizabeth R.(
, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards)
As we look to the future of natural history collections and a global integration of biodiversity data, we are reliant on a diverse workforce with the skills necessary to build, grow, and support the data, tools, and resources of the Digital Extended Specimen (DES; Webster 2019, Lendemer et al. 2020, Hardisty 2020). Future “DES Data Curators” – those who will be charged with maintaining resources created through the DES – will require skills and resources beyond what is currently available to most natural history collections staff. In training the workforce to support the DES we have an opportunity to broaden our community and ensure that, through the expansion of biodiversity data, the workforce landscape itself is diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible. A fully-implemented DES will provide training that encapsulates capacity building, skills development, unifying protocols and best practices guidance, and cutting-edge technology that also creates inclusive, equitable, and accessible systems, workflows, and communities. As members of the biodiversity community and the current workforce, we can leverage our knowledge and skills to develop innovative training models that: include a range of educational settings and modalities; address the needs of new communities not currently engaged with digital data; from their onset, provide attribution for past and future work and do not perpetuate the legacy of colonial practices and historic inequalities found in many physical natural history collections. Recent reports from the Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN 2019) and the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2020) specifically address workforce needs in support of the DES. To address workforce training and inclusivity within the context of global data integration, the Alliance for Biodiversity Knowledge included a topic on Workforce capacity development and inclusivity in Phase 2 of the consultation on Converging Digital Specimens and Extended Specimens - Towards a global specification for data integration. Across these efforts, several common themes have emerged relative to workforce training and the DES. A call for a community needs assessment: As a community, we have several unknowns related to the current collections workforce and training needs. We would benefit from a baseline assessment of collections professionals to define current job responsibilities, demographics, education and training, incentives, compensation, and benefits. This includes an evaluation of current employment prospects and opportunities. Defined skills and training for the 21st century collections professional: We need to be proactive and define the 21st century workforce skills necessary to support the development and implementation of the DES. When we define the skills and content needs we can create appropriate training opportunities that include scalable materials for capacity building, educational materials that develop relevant skills, unifying protocols across the DES network, and best practices guidance for professionals. Training for data end-users: We need to train data end-users in biodiversity and data science at all levels of formal and informal education from primary and secondary education through the existing workforce. This includes developing training and educational materials, creating data portals, and building analyses that are inclusive, accessible, and engage the appropriate community of science educators, data scientists, and biodiversity researchers. Foster a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible and professional workforce: As the DES develops and new tools and resources emerge, we need to be intentional in our commitment to building tools that are accessible and in assuring that access is equitable. This includes establishing best practices to ensure the community providing and accessing data is inclusive and representative of the diverse global community of potential data providers and users. Upfront, we must acknowledge and address issues of historic inequalities and colonial practices and provide appropriate attribution for past and future work while ensuring legal and regulatory compliance. Efforts must include creating transparent linkages among data and the humans that create the data that drives the DES. In this presentation, we will highlight recommendations for building workforce capacity within the DES that are diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible, take into account the requirements of the biodiversity science community, and that are flexible to meet the needs of an evolving field.
Competencies are knowledge, skills, and dispositions that enable professionals to successfully perform a goal-oriented task. A traditional education model focuses primarily on presenting and assessing knowledge, with student performance represented by grades. The Competency-Based Education (CBE) model focuses on each student developing and demonstrating knowledge, skills, and dispositions. This implies a difference in the approach towards curriculum (content), pedagogy (teaching methods), and assessment. This workshop will introduce basic concepts of competencies and CBE. We will present a competency list derived from research on computing professionals' experiences. Participants will develop a spiral curriculum and (re)design a course to purposefully integrate cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., communication) and dispositions (e.g., perseverance), along with computing skills. Takeaways will include: (1) an understanding of what competencies and CBE are, and what pedagogical and assessment approaches may align with CBE; (2) a document that integrates competencies across a spiral curriculum; and (3) a plan for (re)designing one of their courses. Collaborative ideation will be used to help generate ideas for each participant's unique context and goals. Higher education faculty/instructors and administrators who would like to learn more about competencies and apply CBE practices to their own program/course will find the most benefit from this workshop. Multiple people from the same program are encouraged to attend, allowing them to consider how they can plan for integrating competencies across their program-level curriculum. Please bring internet-enabled laptops/comparably sized devices, choose a course to (re)design, and have access to relevant course materials.
Exter, M E; Tagare, D; Sabin, M(
, Association for Computing Machinery)
Competencies are knowledge, skills, and dispositions that enable professionals to successfully perform a goal-oriented task. A traditional education model focuses primarily on presenting and assessing knowledge, with student performance represented by grades. The Competency-Based Education (CBE) model focuses on each student developing and demonstrating knowledge, skills, and dispositions. This implies a difference in the approach towards curriculum (content), pedagogy (teaching methods), and assessment. This workshop will introduce basic concepts of competencies and CBE. We will present a competency list derived from research on computing professionals' experiences. Participants will develop a spiral curriculum and (re)design a course to purposefully integrate cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., communication) and dispositions (e.g., perseverance), along with computing skills. Takeaways will include: (1) an understanding of what competencies and CBE are, and what pedagogical and assessment approaches may align with CBE; (2) a document that integrates competencies across a spiral curriculum; and (3) a plan for (re)designing one of their courses. Collaborative ideation will be used to help generate ideas for each participant's unique context and goals. Higher education faculty/instructors and administrators who would like to learn more about competencies and apply CBE practices to their own program/course will find the most benefit from this workshop. Multiple people from the same program are encouraged to attend, allowing them to consider how they can plan for integrating competencies across their program-level curriculum. Please bring internet-enabled laptops/comparably sized devices, choose a course to (re)design, and have access to relevant course materials.
Parks, L.; Srinivasan, R.; and Ceron, D.(
, Information communication society)
Loader, B.
When researchers invoke the term ‘last billion’ to refer to emerging ICT users, they often focus on network access as a ‘solution’ while neglecting important considerations such as local ownership or knowledge, both of which are essential to sustainable and empowering uses of these technologies in developing contexts. Research reveals that mere access to networks without active community involvement can fail to empower already marginalized and disenfranchized users. Building upon these findings, this article uses ethnographic methods to explore the meanings of ‘network sovereignty’ in rural, low-income communities in developing countries. It presents two case studies focused on local network initiatives in Oaxaca, Mexico and Bunda, Tanzania and then offers an assessment matrix to support future network sovereignty research based on five categories: community engagement; local cultures/ontologies; digital education and technological knowledge; economic ownership; and community empowerment. Our comparative research reveals that communities that are able to assert collective ownership over local infrastructure, embed network initiatives within local cultures, and prioritize digital education are much more likely to create and sustain local networks that support their economic, political, and cultural lives.
Harmon, Sarah M., Heitkemper, Elizabeth M., Mamykina, Lena, and Hwang, Maria L. Are We Healthier Together? Two Strategies for Supporting Macronutrient Assessment Skills and How the Crowd Can Help (or Not). Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10417323. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6.CSCW2 Web. doi:10.1145/3555593.
Harmon, Sarah M., Heitkemper, Elizabeth M., Mamykina, Lena, & Hwang, Maria L. Are We Healthier Together? Two Strategies for Supporting Macronutrient Assessment Skills and How the Crowd Can Help (or Not). Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (CSCW2). Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10417323. https://doi.org/10.1145/3555593
Harmon, Sarah M., Heitkemper, Elizabeth M., Mamykina, Lena, and Hwang, Maria L.
"Are We Healthier Together? Two Strategies for Supporting Macronutrient Assessment Skills and How the Crowd Can Help (or Not)". Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2). Country unknown/Code not available. https://doi.org/10.1145/3555593.https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10417323.
place = {Country unknown/Code not available},
title = {Are We Healthier Together? Two Strategies for Supporting Macronutrient Assessment Skills and How the Crowd Can Help (or Not)},
url = {https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10417323},
DOI = {10.1145/3555593},
abstractNote = {Learning macronutrient assessment skills can support improved health outcomes and overall wellbeing. We conducted two Mechanical Turk studies to investigate how users might benefit from the crowd's input in macronutrient assessment education. We first determined whether the wisdom of the crowd alone would provide users with enough insight to arrive at accurate macronutrient estimates. Next, we tested two methods of teaching macronutrient assessment skills (Comparison and Decomposition) and analyzed their effectiveness. Results from these studies indicate that while the crowd alone may not be sufficient to support this type of education, users may yet benefit from access to community-generated photos and labels while they use either the Comparison or Decomposition strategy.},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction},
volume = {6},
number = {CSCW2},
author = {Harmon, Sarah M. and Heitkemper, Elizabeth M. and Mamykina, Lena and Hwang, Maria L.},
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