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Title: Seasonal and Longitudinal Variations in Suspended Load Connectivity Between River Channels and Their Margins

Input of organic matter into stream channels is the primary energy source for headwater ecosystems and ultimately carbon to the oceans and hence is an important component of the global carbon cycle. Here, we quantify organic‐rich fine sediment mobilization, transport, and storage in a Strahler fourth‐order stream during individual intermediate‐sized storm events. By combining measurements of fallout radionuclides (FRNs)7Be and210Pb and stable water isotopes with a conceptual model of suspended load trapping by channel margins, we find that the channel bed was consistently a source of suspended load to the channel margins. Relative to storage on the channel margins, suspended load export increased through the spring and summer, perhaps related to the in‐channel decomposition of organic debris as indicated by its FRN exposure age and changing bulk δ13C composition. Trapping of suspended load by riparian margins limits sediment transport distances, which, given sufficient discharge to fully suspend the load, is nearly independent of stream discharge for sub‐bankfull discharges. Limited data indicate that the fractional size of the channel margins where trapping occurs decreases with increasing watershed area. Increasing transport length and decreasing fractional margin area with increasing watershed area results in a systematic downstream decoupling of the channel from local terrestrial organic matter exchange. These findings provide a framework for understanding suspended load dynamics in formerly glaciated regions where sediment production and fluxes are generally low and thus the annual input of organic debris is a major component of suspended load budget.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Water Resources Research
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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