In Arctic catchments, bacterioplankton are dispersed through soils and streams, both of which freeze and thaw/flow in phase, seasonally. To characterize this dispersal and its potential impact on biogeochemistry, we collected bacterioplankton and measured stream physicochemistry during snowmelt and after vegetation senescence across multiple stream orders in alpine, tundra, and tundra‐dominated‐by‐lakes catchments. In all catchments, differences in community composition were associated with seasonal thaw, then attachment status (i.e. free floating or sediment associated), and then stream order. Bacterioplankton taxonomic diversity and richness were elevated in sediment‐associated fractions and in higher‐order reaches during snowmelt. Families
A mechanistic understanding of factors that structure spatiotemporal community composition is a major challenge in microbial ecology. Our study of microbial communities in the headwaters of three freshwater stream networks showed significant community changes at the small spatial scale of benthic habitats when compared to changes at mid‐ and large‐spatial scales associated with stream order and catchment. Catchment (which included temperate and tropical catchments) had the strongest influence on community composition followed by habitat type (epipsammon or epilithon) and stream orders. Alpha diversity of benthic microbiomes resulted from interactions between catchment, habitat, and canopy. Epilithon contained relatively more
- 10420633
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Environmental Microbiology
- 1462-2912
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Chthonomonadaceae ,Pyrinomonadaceae , andXiphinematobacteraceae were abundantly different across seasons, whileFlavobacteriaceae andMicroscillaceae were abundantly different between free‐floating and sediment‐associated fractions. Physicochemical data suggested there was high iron (Fe+) production (alpine catchment); Fe+production and chloride (Cl−) removal (tundra catchment); and phosphorus (SRP) removal and ammonium (NH4+) production (lake catchment). In tundra landscapes, these ‘hot spots’ of Fe+production and Cl−removal accompanied shifts in species richness, while SRP promoted the antecedent community. Our findings suggest that freshet increases bacterial dispersal from headwater catchments to receiving catchments, where bacterioplankton‐mineral relations stabilized communities in free‐flowing reaches, but bacterioplankton‐nutrient relations stabilized those punctuated by lakes. -
Abstract Microbial community composition varies across stream habitats. However, there is little understanding of how varying hydraulic and geomorphic factors influence microbial distribution along a succession of pools. This study examines how substrate, geomorphological and hydraulic habitat variables may drive bacterial community composition within different stream pool habitats of a temperate headwater stream. Microbial community structures from rock biofilm and sediment samples within each of the 10 selected stream pools of White Clay Creek, PA, were determined by high‐throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. The grain size distribution, organic matter content, streamflow velocity, temperature regime and morphology of each pool were quantified to characterize the pool habitats' variability. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed significant differences in the microbial community composition linked to the substrate's stability within the pool units. Indeed, soft and more mobile sediments were dominated by heterotrophic bacteria, while photosynthetic microorganisms (e.g., microalgae and cyanobacteria) were mainly found on rock biofilm. The difference in the distribution of bacterial communities can be explained by variations in the local hydraulic (i.e., depth and velocity) and the thermal conditions (daily fluctuation, min and max). These results highlight the geomorphological and hydrologic drivers for small‐scale diversity in bacterial communities and provide a better understanding of how maintaining and promoting variability in streambed physical properties may enhance microbial diversity. Better integration of these drivers into stream restoration practices will allow the inclusion of microorganisms, the trophic levels that are usually overlooked but still play critical roles in stream ecology.
Abstract Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation—the breaking up of natural landscapes—is a pervasive threat to biodiversity and ecosystem function world‐wide. Fragmentation results in a mosaic of remnant native habitat patches embedded in human‐modified habitat known as the ‘matrix’. By introducing novel environmental conditions in matrix habitats and reducing connectivity of native habitats, fragmentation can dramatically change how organisms experience their environment. The effects of fragmentation can be especially important in urban landscapes, which are expanding across the globe. Despite this surging threat and the importance of microbiomes for ecosystem services, we know very little about how fragmentation affects microbiomes and even less about their consequences for plant–microbe interactions in urban landscapes.
By combining field surveys, microbiome sequencing and experimental mesocosms, we (1) investigated how microbial community diversity, composition and functional profiles differed between 15 native pine rockland fragments and the adjacent urban matrix habitat, (2) identified habitat attributes that explained significant variation in microbial diversity of native core habitat compared to urban matrix and (3) tested how changes in urbanized and low connectivity microbiomes affected plant community productivity.
We found urban and native microbiomes differed substantively in diversity, composition and functional profiles, including symbiotic fungi decreasing 81% and pathogens increasing 327% in the urban matrix compared to native habitat. Furthermore, fungal diversity rapidly declined as native habitats became increasingly isolated, with ~50% of variation across the landscape explained by habitat connectivity alone. Interestingly, microbiomes from native habitats increased plant productivity by ~300% while urban matrix microbiomes had no effect, suggesting that urbanization may decouple beneficial plant–microbe interactions. In addition, microbial diversity within native habitats explained significant variation in plant community productivity, with higher productivity linked to more diverse microbiomes from more connected, larger fragments.
Synthesis . Taken together, our study not only documents significant changes in microbial diversity, composition and functions in the urban matrix, but also supports that two aspects of habitat fragmentation—the introduction of a novel urban matrix and reduced habitat connectivity—disrupt microbial effects on plant community productivity, highlighting preservation of native microbiomes as critical for productivity in remnant fragments. -
Abstract Metacommunity theory predicts that the relative importance of regional and local processes structuring communities will change over ecological succession. Determining effects of these processes on taxonomic and evolutionary diversity in spatially structured freshwater habitats of different successional stages may greatly improve understanding of the maintenance of diversity across temporal and spatial scales. In this study, we evaluated crayfish diversity at local and regional scales in pond metacommunities undergoing secondary succession from beaver (
Castor canadensis ) disturbance. Following theoretical predictions from metacommunity ecology of the increasing importance of local processes over succession, we hypothesised a decline in crayfish local and β diversity over succession from stronger local structuring as the older ponds may provide less suitable habitat than streams.Crayfish species and phylogenetic diversity were evaluated in beaver pond metacommunities and reference headwater streams located in three catchment regions. DNA sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene were used to assign crayfish to species for community and phylogenetic diversity tests. Local and β diversity were contrasted across beaver ponds ranging in age from 24 to 70 years and as a function of metacommunity processes.
Counter to predictions, local species diversity among streams and the successional stages of ponds categorised by age class (24–39 years; 42–57 years; 60–70 years) did not differ, but community and phylogenetic convergence occurred in the oldest pond ecosystems. Crayfish community composition differed between the youngest and oldest ponds, resulting from higher abundance in the youngest ponds and community convergence in the oldest ponds. The association between community composition and the environment was strongest in streams and decoupled with pond age. In contrast, the correlation between intraspecific haplotype composition and the environment increased over succession. Among the three metacommunities, the regional crayfish species diversity arose from a combination of the temporal and environmental drivers from beaver‐constructed ecosystems and dispersal limitation within catchments.
This study represents the first investigation of the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity response to the successional stages of beaver pond metacommunities. The detection of differential crayfish composition and haplotype sorting to pond age suggests a role for local structuring and further indicates that future studies should acknowledge succession in shaping species diversity at local and regional scales. Dispersal limitation within catchment regions probably contributes to the evolution of crayfish species diversity in metacommunities and the overall maintenance of biodiversity.
The results support a transition in community and freshwater ecology from a recent emphasis on spatial processes towards the integration of temporal drivers to better identify regulators of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity across scales.
Abstract A major challenge remains to understand the relative contributions of history, dispersal, and environmental filtering to the assembly of hyperdiverse communities across spatial scales. Here, we examine the extent to which biogeographical history and habitat specialization have generated turnover among and within lineages of Amazonian trees across broad geographic and environmental gradients. We replicated standardized tree inventories in 102 0.1‐ha plots located in two distant regions—the western Amazon and the eastern Guiana shield. Within each region, we used a nested design to replicate plots on contrasted habitats: white‐sand, terra firme, and seasonally flooded forests. Our plot network encompassed 26,386 trees that together represented 2,745 distinct taxa, which we standardized across all plots and regions. We combined taxonomic and phylogenetic data with detailed soil measurements and climatic data to: (1) test whether patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic composition are consistent with recent or historical processes, (2) disentangle the relative effects of habitat, environment, and geographic distance on taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover among plots, and (3) contrast the proportion of habitat specialists among species from each region. We found substantial species turnover between Peru and French Guiana, with only 8.8% of species shared across regions; genus composition remained differentiated across habitats and regions, whereas turnover at higher taxonomic levels (family, order) was much lower. Species turnover across plots was explained primarily by regions, but also substantially by habitat differences and to a lesser extent by spatial distance within regions. Conversely, the composition of higher taxonomic levels was better explained by habitats (especially comparing white‐sand forests to other habitats) than spatial distance. White‐sand forests harbored most of the habitat specialists in both regions, with stronger habitat specialization in Peru than in French Guiana. Our results suggest that recent diversification events have resulted in extremely high turnover in species and genus composition with relatively little change in the composition of higher lineages. Our results also emphasize the contributions of rare habitats, such as white‐sand forests, to the extraordinary diversity of the Amazon and underline their importance as conservation priorities.