The element abundances of stars, particularly the refractory elements (e.g., Fe, Si, and Mg), play an important role in connecting stars to their planets. Most Sun-like stars do not have refractory abundance measurements since obtaining a large sample of high-resolution spectra is difficult with oversubscribed observing resources. In this work we infer abundances for C, N, O, Na, Mn, Cr, Si, Fe, Ni, Mg, V, Ca, Ti, Al, and Y for solar analogs with Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) spectra (
Large-scale surveys will provide spectroscopy for ∼50 million resolved stars in the Milky Way and Local Group. However, these data will have a high degree of heterogeneity and most will be low-resolution (
- 10431603
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
- Volume:
- 267
- Issue:
- 1
- 0067-0049
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 18
- Size(s):
- Article No. 18
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract R = 11,200) usingTheCannon , a data-driven method. We train a linear model on a reference set of 34 stars observed by Gaia RVS with precise abundances measured from previous high-resolution spectroscopic efforts (R > 30,000–110,000). We then apply this model to several thousand Gaia RVS solar analogs. This yields abundances with average upper limit precisions of 0.04–0.1 dex for 17,412 stars, 50 of which are identified planet (candidate) hosts. We subsequently test the relative refractory depletion of these stars with increasing element condensation temperature compared to the Sun. The Sun remains refractory depleted compared to other Sun-like stars regardless of our current knowledge of the planets they host. This is inconsistent with theories of various types of planets locking up or sequestering refractories. Furthermore, we find no significant abundance differences between identified close-in giant planet hosts, giant planet hosts, and terrestrial/small planet hosts with the rest of the sample within our precision limits. This work demonstrates the utility of data-driven learning for future exoplanet composition and demographics studies. -
Context. Cool stars, such as M giants, can only be analyzed in the near-infrared (NIR) regime due to the ubiquitous titanium oxide features in optical spectra of stars with T eff < 4000 K. In dust-obscured regions, the inner bulge and Galactic center region, the intrinsically bright M giants observed in the NIR are an optimal option for studying stellar abundances and the chemical evolution of stellar populations. Because of the uncertainties in photometric methods, a method for determining the stellar parameters for M giants from the NIR spectra themselves is needed. Aims. We develop a method for determining the stellar parameters for M giants from the NIR spectra. We validate the method by deriving the stellar parameters for nearby well-studied M giants with spectra from the spectral library of the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS). We demonstrate the accuracy and precision of our method by determining the stellar parameters and α -element trends versus metallicity for solar neighborhood M giants. Methods. We carried out new observations of 44 M giant stars with IGRINS mounted on the Gemini South telescope. We also obtained the full H and K band IGRINS spectra of six nearby well-studied M giants at a spectral resolving power of R = 45 000 from the IGRINS spectral library. We used the tool called spectroscopy made easy in combination with one-dimensional (1D) model atmospheres in a radiative and convective scheme (MARCS) stellar atmosphere models to model the synthetic spectrum that fits the observed spectrum best. Results. The effective temperatures that we derive from our new method (tested for 3400 ≲ T eff ≲ 4000 K here) agree excellently with those of the six nearby well-studied M giants, which indicates that the accuracy is indeed high. For the 43 solar neighborhood M giants, our T eff , log g , [Fe/H], ξ micro , [C/Fe], [N/Fe], and [O/Fe] agree with APOGEE with mean differences and a scatter (our method – APOGEE) of −67±33 K, −0.31±0.15 dex, 0.02±0.05 dex, 0.22±0.13 km s −1 , −0.05±0.06 dex, 0.06±0.06 dex, and 0.02±0.09 dex, respectively. Furthermore, the tight offset with a small dispersion compared to the APOGEE T eff indicates a high precision in our derived temperatures and those derived from the APOGEE pipeline. The typical uncertainties in the stellar parameters are found to be ±100 K in T eff , ±0.2 dex in log g , ±0.1 dex in [Fe/H], and ±0.1 km s −1 in ξ micro . The α -element trends versus metallicity for Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti are consistent with the APOGEE DR17 trends for the same stars and with the GILD optical trends. We also find a clear enhancement in the abundances for thick-disk stars.more » « less
Abstract We apply a novel statistical analysis to measurements of 16 elemental abundances in 34,410 Milky Way disk stars from the final data release (DR17) of APOGEE-2. Building on recent work, we fit median abundance ratio trends [X/Mg] versus [Mg/H] with a 2-process model, which decomposes abundance patterns into a “prompt” component tracing core-collapse supernovae and a “delayed” component tracing Type Ia supernovae. For each sample star, we fit the amplitudes of these two components, then compute the residuals Δ[X/H] from this two-parameter fit. The rms residuals range from ∼0.01–0.03 dex for the most precisely measured APOGEE abundances to ∼0.1 dex for Na, V, and Ce. The
correlations of residuals reveal a complex underlying structure, including a correlated element group comprised of Ca, Na, Al, K, Cr, and Ce and a separate group comprised of Ni, V, Mn, and Co. Selecting stars poorly fit by the 2-process model reveals a rich variety of physical outliers and sometimes subtle measurement errors. Residual abundances allow for the comparison of populations controlled for differences in metallicity and [α /Fe]. Relative to the main disk (R = 3–13 kpc), we find nearly identical abundance patterns in the outer disk (R = 15–17 kpc), 0.05–0.2 dex depressions of multiple elements in LMC and Gaia Sausage/Enceladus stars, and wild deviations (0.4–1 dex) of multiple elements inω Cen. The residual abundance analysis opens new opportunities for discovering chemically distinctive stars and stellar populations, for empirically constraining nucleosynthetic yields, and for testing chemical evolution models that include stochasticity in the production and redistribution of elements. -
ABSTRACT With a unique set of 54 overlapping narrow-band and two broader filters covering the entire optical range, the incoming Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) will provide a great opportunity for stellar physics and near-field cosmology. In this work, we use the miniJPAS data in 56 J-PAS filters and 4 complementary SDSS-like filters to explore and prove the potential of the J-PAS filter system in characterizing stars and deriving their atmospheric parameters. We obtain estimates for the effective temperature with a good precision (<150 K) from spectral energy distribution fitting. We have constructed the metallicity-dependent stellar loci in 59 colours for the miniJPAS FGK dwarf stars, after correcting certain systematic errors in flat-fielding. The very blue colours, including uJAVA − r, J0378 − r, J0390 − r, uJPAS − r, show the strongest metallicity dependence, around 0.25 mag dex−1. The sensitivities decrease to about 0.1 mag dex−1 for the J0400 − r, J0410 − r, and J0420 − r colours. The locus fitting residuals show peaks at the J0390, J0430, J0510, and J0520 filters, suggesting that individual elemental abundances such as [Ca/Fe], [C/Fe], and [Mg/Fe] can also be determined from the J-PAS photometry. Via stellar loci, we have achieved a typical metallicity precision of 0.1 dex. The miniJPAS filters also demonstrate strong potential in discriminating dwarfs and giants, particularly the J0520 and J0510 filters. Our results demonstrate the power of the J-PAS filter system in stellar parameter determinations and the huge potential of the coming J-PAS survey in stellar and Galactic studies.
Abstract We present results from high-resolution (
R ∼ 40,000) spectroscopic observations of over 200 metal-poor stars, mostly selected from the RAVE survey, using the Southern African Large Telescope. We were able to derive stellar parameters for a total of 108 stars; an additional sample of 50 stars from this same effort was previously reported on by Rasmussen et al. Among our newly reported observations, we identify 84 very metal-poor (VMP; [Fe/H] < −2.0, 53 newly identified) stars and three extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H] < −3.0, one newly identified) stars. The elemental abundances were measured for carbon, as well as several otherα -elements (Mg, Ca, Sc, and Ti), iron-peak elements (Mn, Co, Ni, and Zn), and neutron-capture elements (Sr, Ba, and Eu). Based on these measurements, the stars are classified by their carbon and neutron-capture abundances into carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP; [C/Fe] > +0.70), CEMP subclasses, and by the level of theirr -process abundances. A total of 17 are classified as CEMP stars. There are 11 CEMP-r stars (eight newly identified), one CEMP-s star (newly identified), two possible CEMP-i stars (one newly identified), and three CEMP-no stars (all newly identified) in this work. We found 11 stars (eight newly identified) that are strongly enhanced inr -process elements (r -II; [Eu/Fe] > +0.70), 38 stars (31 newly identified) that are moderately enhanced inr -process elements (r -I; +0.30 < [Eu/Fe] ≤ + 0.70), and one newly identified limited-r star.