- 10436249
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1174 to 1181
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)
Abstract Quadrotors can provide services such as infrastructure inspection and search-and-rescue, which require operating autonomously in cluttered environments. Autonomy is typically achieved with receding-horizon planning, where a short plan is executed while a new one is computed, because sensors receive limited information at any time. To ensure safety and prevent robot loss, plans must be verified as collision free despite uncertainty (e.g, tracking error). Existing spline-based planners dilate obstacles uniformly to compensate for uncertainty, which can be conservative. On the other hand, reachability-based planners can include trajectory-dependent uncertainty as a function of the planned trajectory. This work applies Reachability-based Trajectory Design (RTD) to plan quadrotor trajectories that are safe despite trajectory-dependent tracking error. This is achieved by using zonotopes in a novel way for online planning. Simulations show aggressive flight up to 5 m/s with zero crashes in 500 cluttered, randomized environments.
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