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Title: Are You Feeling Happy? the Effect of Emotions on People’s Interaction Experience Toward Empathetic Chatbots

People may experience emotions before interacting with automated agents to seek information and support. However, existing literature has not well examined how human emotional states affect their interaction experience with agents or how automated agents should react to emotions. This study proposes to test how participants perceive an empathetic agent (chatbot) vs. a non-empathetic one under various emotional states (i.e., positive, neutral, negative) when the chatbot mediates the initial screening process for student advising. Participants are prompted to recall a previous emotional experience and have text-based conversations with the chatbot. The study confirms the importance of presenting empathetic cues in the design of automated agents to support human-agent collaboration. Participants who recall a positive experience are more sensitive to the chatbot’s empathetic behavior. The empathetic behavior of the chatbot improves participants’ satisfaction and makes those who recall a neutral experience feel more positive during the interaction. The results reveal that participants’ emotional states are likely to influence their tendency to self-disclose, interaction experience, and perception of the chatbot’s empathetic behavior. The study also highlights the increasing need for emotional acknowledgment of people who experience positive emotions so that design efforts need to be designated according to people’s dynamic emotional states.

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ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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