Urbanization is a persistent and widespread driver of global environmental change, potentially shaping evolutionary processes due to genetic drift and reduced gene flow in cities induced by habitat fragmentation and small population sizes. We tested this prediction for the eastern grey squirrel (
Natural landscape heterogeneity and barriers resulting from urbanization can reduce genetic connectivity between populations. The evolutionary, demographic, and ecological effects of reduced connectivity may lead to population isolation and ultimately extinction. Alteration to the terrestrial and aquatic environment caused by urban influence can affect gene flow, specifically for stream salamanders who depend on both landscapes for survival and reproduction. To examine how urbanization affects a relatively common stream salamander species, we compared genetic connectivity of
- 10441285
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Evolutionary Applications
- Volume:
- 14
- Issue:
- 1
- 1752-4571
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 99-116
- Size(s):
- p. 99-116
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Sciurus carolinensis ), a common and conspicuous forest‐dwelling rodent, by obtaining 44K SNPs using reduced representation sequencing (ddRAD) for 403 individuals sampled across the species' native range in eastern North America. We observed moderate levels of genetic diversity, low levels of inbreeding, and only a modest signal of isolation‐by‐distance. Clustering and migration analyses show that estimated levels of migration and genetic connectivity were higher than expected across cities and forested areas, specifically within the eastern portion of the species' range dominated by urbanization, and genetic connectivity was less than expected within the western range where the landscape is fragmented by agriculture. Landscape genetic methods revealed greater gene flow among individual squirrels in forested regions, which likely provide abundant food and shelter for squirrels. Although gene flow appears to be higher in areas with more tree cover, only slight discontinuities in gene flow suggest eastern grey squirrels have maintained connected populations across urban areas in all but the most heavily fragmented agricultural landscapes. Our results suggest urbanization shapes biological evolution in wildlife species depending strongly on the composition and habitability of the landscape matrix surrounding urban areas. -
Abstract Apex predators are important indicators of intact natural ecosystems. They are also sensitive to urbanization because they require broad home ranges and extensive contiguous habitat to support their prey base. Pumas (
Puma concolor ) can persist near human developed areas, but urbanization may be detrimental to their movement ecology, population structure, and genetic diversity. To investigate potential effects of urbanization in population connectivity of pumas, we performed a landscape genomics study of 130 pumas on the rural Western Slope and more urbanized Front Range of Colorado, USA. Over 12,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped using double‐digest, restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq). We investigated patterns of gene flow and genetic diversity, and tested for correlations between key landscape variables and genetic distance to assess the effects of urbanization and other landscape factors on gene flow. Levels of genetic diversity were similar for the Western Slope and Front Range, but effective population sizes were smaller, genetic distances were higher, and there was more admixture in the more urbanized Front Range. Forest cover was strongly positively associated with puma gene flow on the Western Slope, while impervious surfaces restricted gene flow and more open, natural habitats enhanced gene flow on the Front Range. Landscape genomic analyses revealed differences in puma movement and gene flow patterns in rural versus urban settings. Our results highlight the utility of dense, genome‐scale markers to document subtle impacts of urbanization on a wide‐ranging carnivore living near a large urban center. -
Abstract Evidence is growing that human modification of landscapes has dramatically altered evolutionary processes. In urban population genetic studies, urbanization is typically predicted to act as a barrier that isolates populations of species, leading to increased genetic drift within populations and reduced gene flow between populations. However, urbanization may also facilitate dispersal among populations, leading to higher genetic diversity within, and lower differentiation between, urban populations. We reviewed the literature on nonadaptive urban evolution to evaluate the support for each of these urban fragmentation and facilitation models. In a review of the literature with supporting quantitative analyses of 167 published urban population genetics studies, we found a weak signature of reduced within‐population genetic diversity and no evidence of consistently increased between‐population genetic differentiation associated with urbanization. In addition, we found that urban landscape features act as barriers or conduits to gene flow, depending on the species and city in question. Thus, we speculate that dispersal ability of species and environmental heterogeneity between cities contributes to the variation exhibited in our results. However, >90% of published studies reviewed here showed an association of urbanization with genetic drift or gene flow, highlighting the strong impact of urbanization on nonadaptive evolution. It is clear that species biology and city heterogeneity obscure patterns of genetic drift and gene flow in a quantitative analysis. Thus, we suggest that future research makes comparisons of multiple cities and nonurban habitats, and takes into consideration species' natural history, environmental variation, spatial modelling and marker selection.
Abstract As the rate of urbanization continues to increase globally, a growing body of research is emerging that investigates how urbanization shapes the movement—and consequent gene flow—of species in cities. Of particular interest are native species that persist in cities, either as small relict populations or as larger populations of synanthropic species that thrive alongside humans in new urban environments. In this study, we used genomic sequence data (SNPs) and spatially explicit individual‐based analyses to directly compare the genetic structure and patterns of gene flow in two small mammals with different dispersal abilities that occupy the same urbanized landscape to evaluate how mobility impacts genetic connectivity. We collected 215 white‐footed mice (
Peromyscus leucopus ) and 380 big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus ) across an urban‐to‐rural gradient within the Providence, Rhode Island (U.S.A.) metropolitan area (population =1,600,000 people). We found that mice and bats exhibit clear differences in their spatial genetic structure that are consistent with their dispersal abilities, with urbanization having a stronger effect onPeromyscus mice. There were sharp breaks in the genetic structure of mice within the Providence urban core, as well as reduced rates of migration and an increase in inbreeding with more urbanization. In contrast, bats showed very weak genetic structuring across the entire study area, suggesting a near‐panmictic gene pool likely due to the ability to disperse by flight. Genetic diversity remained stable for both species across the study region. Mice also exhibited a stronger reduction in gene flow between island and mainland populations than bats. This study represents one of the first to directly compare multiple species within the same urban‐to‐rural landscape gradient, an important gap to fill for urban ecology and evolution. Moreover, here we document the impacts of dispersal capacity on connectivity for native species that have persisted as the urban landscape matrix expands. -
Abstract Aim Urbanization alters local environmental conditions and the ability of species to disperse between remnant habitat patches within the urban matrix. Nonetheless, despite the ongoing growth of urban areas worldwide, few studies have investigated the relative importance of dispersal and local environmental conditions for influencing species composition within urban and suburban landscapes. Here, we explore this question using spatial patterns of plant species composition.
Location The Research Triangle area, which includes the cities of Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Cary, in central North Carolina, USA.
Time period 2012–2014.
Major taxa studied Vascular plants.
Methods We sampled riparian forest plant communities along an urban‐to‐rural gradient and used redundancy analysis to identify predictors of species composition patterns for groups of species categorized by nativity and seed dispersal mode. We first compared the ability of different models of habitat connectivity (least‐cost paths that avoided urban land cover versus Euclidean and along‐stream distance) to explain spatial patterns of species composition. We then partitioned the variation in species composition explained by habitat connectivity models, local environmental conditions and measures of urbanization in the surrounding landscape.
Results We found that several groups of native species were best explained by least‐cost path models that avoided urban development, suggesting that urbanization impedes dispersal within this landscape, particularly for short‐dispersed species. Environmental variables related to urbanization (e.g., temperature, stream incision) were important predictors of species composition for many species groups, but measures of urbanization in the surrounding landscape were more important for exotic than for native species.
Main conclusions Our results demonstrate that urbanization influences plant species composition via its effects on both habitat connectivity and environmental conditions. However, the strength of these effects varies somewhat predictably across seed dispersal modes and between native and exotic species. These results highlight the importance of landscape‐scale planning for urban conservation.