- 10442925
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- 2022 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 3581 to 3586
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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We propose an over-the-air learning framework for collaborative decision making in wireless sensor networks. The low complexity framework leverages low-latency sensor transmission for a decision server to coordinate measurement sensors for hypothesis testing through over-the-air aggregation of sensor data over a multiple-access channel. We formulate several collaborative over-the-air hypothesis testing problems under different practical protocols for collaborative learning and decision making. We develop hypothesis tests for these network protocols and deployment scenarios including channel fading. We provide performance benchmark for both basic likelihood ratio test and generalized likelihood ratio test under different deployment conditions. Our results clearly demonstrate gain provided by increasing number of collaborative sensors.more » « less
Summary The paper considers the problem of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in high dimensional proportional hazards models. Motivated by a geometric projection principle, we propose a unified likelihood ratio inferential framework, including score, Wald and partial likelihood ratio statistics for hypothesis testing. Without assuming model selection consistency, we derive the asymptotic distributions of these test statistics, establish their semiparametric optimality and conduct power analysis under Pitman alternatives. We also develop new procedures to construct pointwise confidence intervals for the baseline hazard function and conditional hazard function. Simulation studies show that all tests proposed perform well in controlling type I errors. Moreover, the partial likelihood ratio test is empirically more powerful than the other tests. The methods proposed are illustrated by an example of a gene expression data set.
We propose a decentralized, sequential and adaptive hypothesis test in sensor networks, which extends Chernoff’s test to a decentralized setting. We show that the proposed test achieves the same asymptotic optimality of the original one, minimizing the expected cost required to reach a decision plus the expected cost of making a wrong decision, when the observation cost per unit time tends to zero. We also show that the proposed test is parsimonious in terms of communications. Namely, in the regime of vanishing observation cost per unit time, the expected number of channel uses required by each sensor to complete the test converges to four.more » « less
Abstract In this work, we address the question of how to enhance signal-agnostic searches by leveraging multiple testing strategies. Specifically, we consider hypothesis tests relying on machine learning, where model selection can introduce a bias towards specific families of new physics signals. Focusing on the New Physics Learning Machine, a methodology to perform a signal-agnostic likelihood-ratio test, we explore a number of approaches to multiple testing, such as combining
p -values and aggregating test statistics. Our findings show that it is beneficial to combine different tests, characterised by distinct choices of hyperparameters, and that performances comparable to the best available test are generally achieved, while also providing a more uniform response to various types of anomalies. This study proposes a methodology that is valid beyond machine learning approaches and could in principle be applied to a larger class model-agnostic analyses based on hypothesis testing. -
A bstract Signal-agnostic data exploration based on machine learning could unveil very subtle statistical deviations of collider data from the expected Standard Model of particle physics. The beneficial impact of a large training sample on machine learning solutions motivates the exploration of increasingly large and inclusive samples of acquired data with resource efficient computational methods. In this work we consider the New Physics Learning Machine (NPLM), a multivariate goodness-of-fit test built on the Neyman-Pearson maximum-likelihood-ratio construction, and we address the problem of testing large size samples under computational and storage resource constraints. We propose to perform parallel NPLM routines over batches of the data, and to combine them by locally aggregating over the data-to-reference density ratios learnt by each batch. The resulting data hypothesis defining the likelihood-ratio test is thus shared over the batches, and complies with the assumption that the expected rate of new physical processes is time invariant. We show that this method outperforms the simple sum of the independent tests run over the batches, and can recover, or even surpass, the sensitivity of the single test run over the full data. Beside the significant advantage for the offline application of NPLM to large size samples, the proposed approach offers new prospects toward the use of NPLM to construct anomaly-aware summary statistics in quasi-online data streaming scenarios.