Long‐term slow slip events have been observed at several subduction zones around the globe, where they play an integral part in strain release along megathrust faults. Nevertheless, evidence for long‐term slow slip has remained elusive in the Cascadia subduction zone. Here we conduct a systematic analysis of 13 years of GNSS time series data from 2006 to 2019 and present evidence of at least one low‐amplitude long‐term slow slip event on the Cascadia subduction zone, with the possibility of others that are less resolved. Starting in mid‐2012, a 1.5‐year transient is observed in southern Cascadia, with a group of coastal GNSS stations moving ∼2 mm to the west. The data are modeled as a Mw 6.4 slow slip event occurring at 15–35 km depth on the plate interface, just updip of previously recognized short‐term slow slip and tremor. The event shares many characteristics with similar long‐term transient events on the Nankai subduction zone. However, the total fault slip amplitude is an order‐of‐magnitude smaller in Cascadia when compared to large events elsewhere, making long‐term slow slip detection challenging in Cascadia. While there are other westward long‐duration transients in the refined data set, the surface displacements are below the level of the noise or are limited spatially to a few neighboring stations, making interpretation unclear.
Fault coupling is vital in determining the amount of strain that is accumulated along faults. The magnitude and location of stored elastic strain energy in highly coupled regions has important implications for understanding the full range of slip behavior at plate boundary faults, as well as earthquake and tsunami hazards. We use the temporary dense amphibious array of seismometers offered by the Cascadia Initiative to create a high‐resolution catalog of events to examine the spatio‐temporal behavior of earthquakes near the plate interface. The data show that in southern Cascadia the plate interface updip of the geodetically locked region is nearly devoid of seismicity, therefore likely highly coupled and accumulating strain. The catalog reveals events that are clustered at the downdip edge of the highly coupled megathrust that correlate in time with nearby strain transient observations. Template matching of events in the cluster using permanent stations of the Northern California Seismic Network over a 10‐year period between 2010 and 2020 indicates that this cluster is unique in space and time. Its activity only during the strain transient provides support for the utility of seismic observations in the identification of strain transients.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10446002
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
- Volume:
- 126
- Issue:
- 7
- 2169-9313
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Subduction zones host some of Earth's most damaging natural hazards, including megathrust earthquakes and earthquake‐induced tsunamis. A major control on the initiation and rupture characteristics of subduction megathrust earthquakes is how the coupled zone along the subduction interface accumulates elastic strain between events. We present results from observations of slow slip events (SSEs) in Cascadia occurring during the interseismic period downdip of the fully coupled zone, which imply that the orientation of strain accumulation within the coupled zone can vary with depth. Interseismic GPS motions suggest that forces derived from relative plate motions across a shallow, offshore locked plate interface dominate over decadal timescales. Deeper on the plate interface, below the locked (seismogenic) patch, slip during SSEs dominantly occurs in the updip direction, reflecting a dip‐parallel force acting on the slab, such as slab pull. This implies that in subduction zones with obliquely convergent plate motions, the seismogenic zone of the megathrust is loaded by forces acting in two discrete directions, leading to a depth‐varying orientation of strain accumulation on the plate interface.
Because splay faults branch at a steep dip angle from the plate-boundary décollement in an accretionary wedge, their coseismic displacement can potentially result in larger tsunamis with distinct characteristics compared to megathrust-only fault ruptures, posing an enhanced hazard to coastal communities. Elsewhere, there is evidence of coseismic slip on splay faults during many of the largest subduction zone earthquakes, but our understanding of potentially active splay faults and their hazards at the Cascadia subduction zone remains limited. To identify the most recently active splay faults at Cascadia, we conduct stratigraphic and structural interpretations of near-surface deformation in the outer accretionary wedge for the ~400 km along-strike length of the landward vergence zone. We analyze recently acquired high-frequency sparker seismic data and crustal-scale multi-channel seismic data to examine the record of deformation in shallow slope basins and the upper ~1 km of the surrounding accreted sediments and to investigate linkages to deeper décollement structure. We present a new fault map for widest, most completely locked portion of Cascadia from 45 to 48°N latitude, which documents the distribution of faults that show clear evidence of recent late Quaternary activity. We find widespread evidence for active splay faulting up to 30 km landward of the deformation front, in what we define as the active domain, and diminished fault activity landward outside of this zone. The abundance of surface-deforming splay faults in the active outer wedge domain suggests Cascadia megathrust events may commonly host distributed shallow rupture on multiple splay faults located within 30 km of the deformation front.
The origin of rupture segmentation along subduction zone megathrusts and linkages to the structural evolution of the subduction zone are poorly understood. Here, regional-scale seismic imaging of the Cascadia margin is used to characterize the megathrust spanning ~900 km from Vancouver Island to the California border, across the seismogenic zone to a few tens of kilometers from the coast. Discrete domains in lower plate geometry and sediment underthrusting are identified, not evident in prior regional plate models, which align with changes in lithology and structure of the upper plate and interpreted paleo-rupture patches. Strike-slip faults in the lower plate associated with oblique subduction mark boundaries between regions of distinct lower plate geometry. Their formation may be linked to changes in upper plate structure across long-lived upper plate faults. The Juan de Fuca plate is fragmenting within the seismogenic zone at Cascadia as the young plate bends beneath the heterogeneous upper plate resulting in structural domains that coincide with paleo-rupture segmentation.
Abstract In Southern Cascadia, precise Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements spanning about 15 years reveal steady deformation due to locking on the Cascadia megathrust punctuated by transient deformation from large earthquakes and episodic tremor and slip events. Near the Mendocino Triple Junction, however, we recognize several abrupt GNSS velocity changes that reflect a different process. After correcting for earthquakes and seasonal loading, we find that several dozen GNSS time series show spatially coherent east‐west velocity changes of ~2 mm/yr and that these changes coincide in time with regional
M > 6.5 earthquakes. We consider several hypotheses and propose that dynamically triggered changes in megathrust coupling best explain the data. Our inversions locate the coupling changes slightly updip of the tremor‐producing zone. We speculate that fluid exchange surrounding the tremor region may be important. Such observations of transient coupling changes are rare and challenging to explain mechanistically but have important implications for earthquake processes on faults.