Extreme precipitation events associated with atmospheric rivers (ARs) trigger floods, landslides, and avalanches that threaten lives and livelihoods in Southeast Alaska. Six rural and indigenous communities (Hoonah, Klukwan, Skagway, Yakutat, Craig, and Kasaan) identified specific needs regarding these hazards and joined the Southeast Alaska Coastlines and People (CoPe)
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are essential features of the global water cycle. Although AR definitions are commonly based on integrated vapor transport (IVT), ARs of a given IVT can induce a wide range of surface precipitation and wind impacts. We develop an AR “flavor” metric that partitions AR IVT into moisture‐dominant and wind‐dominant components. We use this metric to create a climatological catalog of “wet” and “windy” ARs along the U.S. West Coast from 1980 to 2016. Windy ARs are generally associated with stronger surface winds than are wet ARs, with the largest differences at low IVT. Windy ARs are also associated with greater daily precipitation totals than are wet ARs, with the difference widening at higher IVT, notably over mountainous regions. Pacific Northwest ARs have become increasingly moisture dominated over 1980–2016, which has important implications for western U.S. water availability and flood risk.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10451671
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Volume:
- 47
- Issue:
- 23
- 0094-8276
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract K utí Hub to address the shared challenge of understanding and predicting these events. This study presents a climatology (1980–2019) of synoptic, mesoscale, and local meteorological characteristics of ARs and heavy precipitation across this region. High‐amplitude upper‐level patterns across the northeastern Pacific Ocean favor ARs reaching Southeast Alaska, where moisture is orographically lifted, resulting in heavy precipitation. In the six communities, ARs occur 8–15 days per month, yet only 6 AR days per year account for up to 68%–91% of precipitation extremes. Furthermore, 80%–96% of days with extreme precipitation have >75th percentile integrated water vapor transport (IVT), demonstrating the strong relationship between IVT and extreme precipitation. This study also highlights the relationship between IVT direction and complex coastal topography in determining precipitation extremes. For example, in Klukwan and Skagway, 80%–90% of extreme AR days have south‐southwesterly or south‐southeasterly IVT. Coastal communities like Yakutat experience higher IVT and precipitation overall, and although southeasterly IVT is more common, extreme precipitation events are most common with southwesterly IVT. Collaboration with the National Weather Service in Juneau, Alaska will lead to improved situational awareness, forecasts, and Impact Decision Support Services to communities, saving lives and property in a region vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. -
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Abstract We present the Arctic atmospheric river (AR) climatology based on twelve sets of labels derived from ERA5 and MERRA-2 reanalyses for 1980–2019. The ARs were identified and tracked in the 3-hourly reanalysis data with a multifactorial approach based on either atmospheric column-integrated water vapor (IWV) or integrated water vapor transport (IVT) exceeding one of the three climate thresholds (75th, 85th, and 95th percentiles). Time series analysis of the AR event counts from the AR labels showed overall upward trends from the mid-1990s to 2019. The 75th IVT- and IWV-based labels, as well as the 85th IWV-based labels, are likely more sensitive to Arctic surface warming, therefore, detected some broadening of AR-affected areas over time, while the rest of the labels did not. Spatial exploratory analysis of these labels revealed that the AR frequency of occurrence maxima shifted poleward from over-land in 1980–1999 to over the Arctic Ocean and its outlying Seas in 2000–2019. Regions across the Atlantic, the Arctic, to the Pacific Oceans trended higher AR occurrence, surface temperature, and column-integrated moisture. Meanwhile, ARs were increasingly responsible for the rising moisture transport into the Arctic. Even though the increase of Arctic AR occurrence was primarily associated with long-term Arctic surface warming and moistening, the effects of changing atmospheric circulation could stand out locally, such as on the Pacific side over the Chukchi Sea. The changing teleconnection patterns strongly modulated AR activities in time and space, with prominent anomalies in the Arctic-Pacific sector during the latest decade. Besides, the extreme events identified by the 95th-percentile labels displayed the most significant changes and were most influenced by the teleconnection patterns. The twelve Arctic AR labels and the detailed graphics in the atlas can help navigate the uncertainty of detecting and quantifying Arctic ARs and their associated effects in current and future studies.more » « less
Abstract We present a comparative analysis of atmospheric rivers (ARs) and Great Plains low-level jets (GPLLJs) in the central United States during April–September 1901–2010 using ECMWF’s Coupled Reanalysis of the Twentieth Century (CERA-20C). The analysis is motivated by a perceived need to highlight overlap and synergistic opportunities between traditionally disconnected AR and GPLLJ research. First, using the Guan–Walliser integrated vapor transport (IVT)-based AR classification and Bonner–Whiteman-based GPLLJ classification, we identify days with either an AR and/or GPLLJ spanning 15% of the central United States. These days are grouped into five event samples: 1) all GPLLJ, 2) AR GPLLJ, 3) non-AR GPLLJ, 4) AR non-GPLLJ, and 5) all AR. Then, we quantify differences in the frequency, seasonality, synoptic environment, and extreme weather impacts corresponding to each event sample. Over the twentieth century, April–September AR frequency remained constant whereas GPLLJ frequency significantly decreased. Of GPLLJ days, 36% are associated with a coincident AR. Relative to ARs that are equally probable from April–September, GPLLJs exhibit distinct seasonality, with peak occurrence in July. A 500-hPa geopotential height comparison shows a persistent ridge over the central United States for non-AR GPLLJ days, whereas on AR GPLLJ days, a trough-and-ridge pattern is present over western to eastern CONUS. AR GPLLJ days have 34% greater 850-hPa windspeeds, 53% greater IVT, and 72% greater 24-h precipitation accumulation than non-AR GPLLJ days. In terms of 95th-percentile 850-hPa wind speed, IVT, and 24-h precipitation, that of AR GPLLJs is 25%, 45%, and 23% greater than non-AR GPLLJs, respectively.
Abstract The Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) is sensitive to short‐term extreme meteorological events that can leave long‐term impacts on the continent's surface mass balance (SMB). We investigate the impacts of atmospheric rivers (ARs) on the AIS precipitation budget using an AR detection algorithm and a regional climate model (Modèle Atmosphérique Régional) from 1980 to 2018. While ARs and their associated extreme vapor transport are relatively rare events over Antarctic coastal regions (∼3 days per year), they have a significant impact on the precipitation climatology. ARs are responsible for at least 10% of total accumulated snowfall across East Antarctica (localized areas reaching 20%) and a majority of extreme precipitation events. Trends in AR annual frequency since 1980 are observed across parts of AIS, most notably an increasing trend in Dronning Maud Land; however, interannual variability in AR frequency is much larger. This AR behavior appears to drive a significant portion of annual snowfall trends across East Antarctica, while controlling the interannual variability of precipitation across most of the AIS. AR landfalls are most likely when the circumpolar jet is highly amplified during blocking conditions in the Southern Ocean. There is a fingerprint of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) on AR variability in West Antarctica with SAM+ (SAM−) favoring increased AR frequency in the Antarctic Peninsula (Amundsen‐Ross Sea coastline). Given the relatively large influence ARs have on precipitation across the continent, it is advantageous for future studies of moisture transport to Antarctica to consider an AR framework especially when considering future SMB changes.