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Title: Nitrate reduction capacity is limited by belowground plant recovery in a 32‐year‐old created salt marsh

Human activities have decreased global salt marsh surface area with a subsequent loss in the ecosystem functions they provide. The creation of marshes in terrestrial systems has been used to mitigate this loss in marsh cover. Although these constructed marshes may rapidly recover ecosystem structure, biogeochemical processes may be slow to recover. We compared denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) rates between a 32‐year‐old excavation‐created salt marsh (CON‐2) and a nearby natural reference salt marsh (NAT) to assess the recovery of ecosystem function. These process rates were measured at 5 cm increments to a depth of 25 cm to assess how plant rooting depth and organic matter accumulation impact N‐cycling. We found that, for both marshes, denitrification and DNRA declined with depth with the highest rates occurring in the top 10 cm. In both systems, N‐retention by DNRA accounted for upwards of 75% of nitrate reduction, but denitrification and DNRA rates were nearly 2× and 3× higher in NAT than CON‐2, respectively. Organic matter was 6× lower in CON‐2, likely due to limited plant belowground biomass production. However, there was no response to glucose additions, suggesting that the microbial functional community, not substrate limitation, limited nitrate reduction recovery. Response ratios showed that denitrification in CON‐2 recovered in surficial sediments where belowground biomass was highest, even though biomass recovery was minimal. This indicates that although recovery of ecosystem function was constrained, it occurred on a faster trajectory than that of ecosystem structure.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
Restoration Ecology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. Abstract

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    Graphical Abstract

    Conceptual figure highlighting the findings of this experiment. Under control treatment with no C addition (bottom panel), constructed and natural marshes have similar rates of both DNRA and denitrification. The natural marsh has higher fungal and bacterial biomass, while fungal biomass is not detectable in the constructed marsh. Under labile OM additions (upper left panel), rates of both DNRA and denitrification are increased and DNRA becomes favored over denitrification in both marshes. Recalcitrant OM additions (upper right) increase denitrification, but do not affect DNRA or % denitrification. The addition of recalcitrant OM also increases the detectability of fungal biomass in the constructed marsh.

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  5. Abstract

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