Clark et al. (2019) sought to extend the Loreau–Hector partitioning scheme by showing how to estimate selection and complementarity effects from an incomplete sample of species. We demonstrate that their approach suffers from serious conceptual and mathematical errors. Instead of finding unbiased estimators for a finite population, they inserted ad hoc correction factors into unbiased parameter estimators for an infinite population without any mathematical justification in order to force the sample estimators of an infinite population to converge to the true finite population parameter values as sample size Additionally, we show that their estimators of complementarity, selection and the net biodiversity effect are incorrect. We then derive the correct unbiased estimators but caution that, contrary to what Clark et al. claim, these quantities will not approximate the corresponding population parameters without significant repeated random sampling, something that would likely be unfeasible in most if not all biodiversity experiments. Clark et al. also state that their method can be used to compare distinct experiments characterized by different species and diversity levels, or extrapolate from biodiversity experiments to natural systems. This is incorrect because relative yields are not a property of individual species like monoculture yields but an emergent and specific feature of an experimental community. As such, two experimental communities, even when overlapping significantly in species, are incommensurable for the purpose of predicting relative yields. In other words, different experimental communities are not equivalent to different samples taken from the same statistical population. Finally, Clark et al. incorrectly claim that both the original Loreau–Hector partitioning scheme and their extension work for any baseline despite the fact that recent research has shown that a nonlinear relationship between monoculture density and ecosystem functioning will likely inflate the net biodiversity effect in plant systems, and will always lead to spurious measurements of complementarity and selection.
Understanding patterns of diversity is central to ecology and conservation, yet estimates of diversity are often biased by imperfect detection. In recent years, multi‐species occupancy models (MSOM) have been developed as a statistical tool to account for species‐specific heterogeneity in detection while estimating true measures of diversity. Although the power of these models has been tested in various ways, their ability to estimate gamma diversity—or true community size, We use both simulations and an empirical dataset to evaluate the bias, precision, accuracy and coverage of estimates of Simulations showed that both MSOM and iChao2 estimators are generally accurate (i.e. unbiased and precise) except under unideal scenarios where mean species occupancy is low. In such scenarios, MSOM frequently overestimated Community ecologists have a wide choice of analytical methods, and both iChao2 and MSOM estimates of
- 10456619
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 5
- 2041-210X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 633-642
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Historical museum records provide potentially useful data for identifying drivers of change in species occupancy. However, because museum records are typically obtained via many collection methods, methodological developments are needed to enable robust inferences. Occupancy–detection models, a relatively new and powerful suite of statistical methods, are a potentially promising avenue because they can account for changes in collection effort through space and time.
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Abstract Camera traps deployed in grids or stratified random designs are a well‐established survey tool for wildlife but there has been little evaluation of study design parameters.
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We found that 25–35 camera sites were needed for precise estimates of species richness, depending on scale of the study. The precision of species‐level estimates of occupancy (ψ) was highly sensitive to occupancy level, with <20 camera sites needed for precise estimates of common (ψ > 0.75) species, but more than 150 camera sites likely needed for rare (ψ < 0.25) species. Species detection rates were more difficult to estimate precisely at the grid level due to spatial heterogeneity, presumably driven by unaccounted habitat variability factors within the study area. Running a camera at a site for 2 weeks was most efficient for detecting new species, but 3–4 weeks were needed for precise estimates of local detection rate, with no gains in precision observed after 1 month. Metrics for all mammal communities were sensitive to seasonality, with 37%–50% of the species at the sites we examined fluctuating significantly in their occupancy or detection rates over the year. This effect was more pronounced in temperate sites, where seasonally sensitive species varied in relative abundance by an average factor of 4–5, and some species were completely absent in one season due to hibernation or migration.
We recommend the following guidelines to efficiently obtain precise estimates of species richness, occupancy and detection rates with camera trap arrays: run each camera for 3–5 weeks across 40–60 sites per array. We recommend comparisons of detection rates be model based and include local covariates to help account for small‐scale variation. Furthermore, comparisons across study areas or times must account for seasonality, which could have strong impacts on mammal communities in both tropical and temperate sites.