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Title: Spectroscopy of the 85 Rb 4 D3/2 state for hyperfine-structure determination

We report a measurement of the hyperfine-structure constants of the85Rb 4D3/2state using two-photon optical spectroscopy of the 5S1/24D3/2transition. The spectra are acquired by measuring the transmission of the low-power 795 nm lower-stage laser beam through a cold-atom sample as a function of laser frequency, with the frequency of the upper-stage, 1476 nm laser fixed. All 4 hyperfine components of the4D3/2state are well-resolved in the experimental data. The dominant systematic is the light shift from the 1476 nm laser, which is addressed by extrapolating line positions measured for a set of 1476 nm laser powers to zero laser power. The analysis of our experimental data yields both the magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole constants for the85Rb 4D3/2level, without using earlier hyperfine measurements of other atomic levels. The respective results,A=7.419(35) MHz andB=4.19(19) MHz, are discussed in context with previous works. Our investigation may be useful for optical atomic clocks for precision metrology and emerging atom-based quantum technologies, all-infrared excitation of Rb Rydberg levels, and molecular physics.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
IOP Publishing
Date Published:
Journal Name:
New Journal of Physics
Page Range / eLocation ID:
Article No. 093015
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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