Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) exploits the metabolism of polyphosphate‐accumulating organisms (PAOs) to remove excess phosphorus (P) from wastewater treatment.
- 10461114
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Environmental Microbiology
- Volume:
- 21
- Issue:
- 4
- 1462-2912
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 1369-1382
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Hug, Laura A. (Ed.)ABSTRACT Natural microbial communities consist of closely related taxa that may exhibit phenotypic differences and inhabit distinct niches. However, connecting genetic diversity to ecological properties remains a challenge in microbial ecology due to the lack of pure cultures across the microbial tree of life. “ Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” (Accumulibacter) is a polyphosphate-accumulating organism that contributes to the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) biotechnological process for removing excess phosphorus from wastewater and preventing eutrophication from downstream receiving waters. Distinct Accumulibacter clades often coexist in full-scale wastewater treatment plants and laboratory-scale enrichment bioreactors and have been hypothesized to inhabit distinct ecological niches. However, since individual strains of the Accumulibacter lineage have not been isolated in pure culture to date, these predictions have been made solely on genome-based comparisons and enrichments with varying strain compositions. Here, we used genome-resolved metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to explore the activity of coexisting Accumulibacter strains in an engineered bioreactor environment. We obtained four high-quality genomes of Accumulibacter strains that were present in the bioreactor ecosystem, one of which is a completely contiguous draft genome scaffolded with long Nanopore reads. We identified core and accessory genes to investigate how gene expression patterns differed among the dominating strains. Using this approach, we were able to identify putative pathways and functions that may confer distinct functions to Accumulibacter strains and provide key functional insights into this biotechnologically significant microbial lineage. IMPORTANCE “ Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” is a model polyphosphate-accumulating organism that has been studied using genome-resolved metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics to understand the EBPR process. Within the Accumulibacter lineage, several similar but diverging clades are defined by the shared sequence identity of the polyphosphate kinase ( ppk1 ) locus. These clades are predicted to have key functional differences in acetate uptake rates, phage defense mechanisms, and nitrogen-cycling capabilities. However, such hypotheses have largely been made based on gene content comparisons of sequenced Accumulibacter genomes, some of which were obtained from different systems. Here, we performed time series genome-resolved metatranscriptomics to explore gene expression patterns of coexisting Accumulibacter clades in the same bioreactor ecosystem. Our work provides an approach for elucidating ecologically relevant functions based on gene expression patterns between closely related microbial populations.more » « less
Abstract Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are contaminants of emerging concern that derive primarily in the water environment from combined sewer overflows and discharges from industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs). Due to incomplete removal during wastewater treatment, PPCP impacts to aquatic ecosystems are a major concern. The Great Bay Estuary (New Hampshire, USA) is an important ecological, commercial, and recreational resource where upstream WWTFs have recently been under pressure to reduce nitrogen loading to the estuary and consequently upgrade treatment systems. Therefore, we investigated the distribution and abundance of 18 PPCPs and three flame retardants within the Great Bay Estuary and WWTFs discharging to the estuary to examine how WWTF type influenced PPCP removal. All 21 analytes were frequently detected at μg/L to ng/L concentrations in influent and effluent and ng/kg in sludge. WWTFs with enhanced nutrient removal and longer solids retention times correlated to higher PPCP removal, indicating facility upgrades may have benefits related to PPCP removal. Understanding PPCP fate during treatment and in downstream waters informs our ability to assess the environmental and ecological impacts of PPCPs on estuarine resources and develop mitigation strategies to better protect marine ecosystems from emerging contaminant exposure.
Practitioner Points PPCP removal positively correlated with solids retention time and varied by treatment facility and compound.
Upgrade of WWTFs for biological nitrogen removal may also increase PPCP removal.
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Soklida, Hong ; Mari-KH, Winkler ; Zhiwu, Wang ; Goel, Ramesh (Ed.)This research studied integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) technology to simultaneously remove N and P in real municipal wastewater by combining anammox biofilms with flocculent activated sludge for enhanced biological P removal (EBPR). The study was conducted in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated as a conventional A2O (anaerobic-anoxic-oxic) process with an 8.8 h hydraulic retention time. After achieving steady-state operation, the reactor showed robust performance, with average removal efficiencies of 91.3±4.1% for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and 98.4±2.4% for phosphorus (P). Denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs) were responsible for 15.9% of P uptake during the anoxic phase, while biofilms showed anammox activity in the aerobic step. The IFAS configuration with a low solid retention time (SRT) of 5 days prevented the washout of biofilm anammox bacteria and allowed selective washout of unwanted organisms. The results demonstrated the successful coexistence of anammox bacteria with other bacteria for efficient nutrient removal in real wastewater conditions.more » « less
Abstract Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) can recover significant quantities of wastewater phosphorus. However, this resource recovery process realizes limited use largely due to process stability concerns. The research evaluated the effects of anaerobic HRT (τAN) and VFA concentration—critical operational parameters that can be externally controlled—on EBPR performance. Evaluated alone, τAN(1–4 h) exhibited no statistical effect on effluent phosphorus. However, PHA increased with VFA loading and biomass accumulated more phosphorus. Regarding resiliency, under increasing VFA loads PAOs hydrolyzed more phosphorus to uptake/catabolize VFAs; moreover, PHA synthesis normalized to VFA loading increased with τAN, suggesting fermentation. Kinetically, PAOs exhibited a Monod‐like relationships for qPHAANand qVFAANas a function of anaerobic P release; additionally, qPAEexhibited a Monod‐like relationship with end‐anaerobic PHA concentration. A culminating analysis affirmed the relationship between enhanced aerobic P uptake, and net P removal, with a parameter (phosphorus removal propensity factor) that combines influent VFA concentration with τAN.
Practitioner points Evaluated alone τANexhibits no statistical effect on effluent phosphorus in an EBPR configuration.
Increased PHA synthesis, associated with increased VFAs and/or extended τAN,enhances aerobic phosphorus removal.
PHA synthesis normalized to VFA loading increased with τAN, suggesting fermentation in the EBPR anaerobic zone.
Aerobic phosphorus uptake increases linearly with anaerobic phosphorus release, with the slope exceeding unity.
Increased VFAs can be substituted for shorter anaerobic HRTs, and vice versa, to enhance EBPR performance.
Abstract Research focused on interrogating post‐anoxic enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) at bench and pilot scales. Average bench‐scale effluent ranged from 0.33 to 1.4 mgP/L, 0.35 to 3.7 mgNH3‐N/L, and 1.1 to 3.9 mgNOx‐N/L. Comparatively, the pilot achieved effluent (50th percentile/average) of 0.13/0.2 mgP/L, 9.7/8.2 mgNH3‐N/L, and 0.38/3.3 mgNOx‐N/L under dynamic influent and environmental conditions. For EBPR process monitoring, P:C ratio data indicated that 0.2–0.4 molP/molC will result in stable EBPR; relatedly, a target design influent volatile fatty acid (VFA):P ratio would exceed 15 mgCOD/mgP. Post‐anoxic EBPR was enriched for
Nitrobacter spp. at 1.70%–20.27%, withParcubacteria also dominating; the former is putatively associated with nitritation and the latter is a putative fermenting heterotrophic organism. Post‐anoxic specific denitrification rates (SDNRs) (20°C) ranged from 0.70 to 3.10 mgN/gVSS/h; there was a strong correlation (R 2 = 0.94) between the SDNR and %Parcubacteria for systems operated at a 20‐day solids residence time (SRT). These results suggest that carbon substrate potentially generated by this putative fermenter may enhance post‐anoxic EBPR.Practitioner Points Post‐anoxic EBPR can achieve effluent of <0.2 mgP/L and <12 mgN/L.
The P:C and VFA:P ratios can be predictive for EBPR process monitoring.
Post‐anoxic EBPR was enriched for
Nitrobacter spp. overNitrospira spp. and also forParcubacteria , which is a putative fermenting heterotrophic organism.Post‐anoxic specific denitrification rates (20°C) ranged from 0.70 to 3.10 mgN/gVSS/h.
BLASTn analysis of 16S rDNA PAO primer set was shown to be improved to 93.8% for Ca. Accumulibacter phosphatis and 73.2%–94.0% for all potential PAOs.