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Title: JBrowse Jupyter: a Python interface to JBrowse 2
Abstract Motivation

JBrowse Jupyter is a package that aims to close the gap between Python programming and genomic visualization. Web-based genome browsers are routinely used for publishing and inspecting genome annotations. Historically they have been deployed at the end of bioinformatics pipelines, typically decoupled from the analysis itself. However, emerging technologies such as Jupyter notebooks enable a more rapid iterative cycle of development, analysis and visualization.


We have developed a package that provides a Python interface to JBrowse 2’s suite of embeddable components, including the primary Linear Genome View. The package enables users to quickly set up, launch and customize JBrowse views from Jupyter notebooks. In addition, users can share their data via Google’s Colab notebooks, providing reproducible interactive views.

Availability and implementation

JBrowse Jupyter is released under the Apache License and is available for download on PyPI. Source code and demos are available on GitHub at

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Marschall, Tobias
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford Academic
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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